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:: Volume 12, Issue 44 (10-2023) ::
mieaoi 2023, 12(44): 351-381 Back to browse issues page
Sociological Analysis of Socio-economic Factors Affecting the Investment Behavior of Shareholders in Tehran Stock Market
Marziyeh Bagheri1 , Mostafa Azkia2 , Meysam Mousai3
1- Doctoral student of Islamic Azad University Science and Research Unit
2- Professor of Islamic Azad University Science and Research Unit , mostafa_azkia@yahoo.com
3- Professor of University of Tehran
Abstract:   (1333 Views)
The stock exchange is one of the main pillars of the country's economy, and paying attention to this organization not only brings prosperity to this organization, but also to the growth and development of the national economy, for this reason, the factors that have the ability to influence this organization in some way should be analyzed. Therefore, the present research was conducted with the aim of sociological analysis of socio-economic factors affecting the investment behavior of shareholders in Tehran stock market. This research is considered as an exploratory research from the objective dimension, and from the strategy dimension, it was classified as non-experimental, field and qualitative research. The participating community of this research consists of all the shareholders of Tehran Stock Exchange in 2013-2014, who were selected through purposeful sampling until reaching theoretical saturation. Data were collected using unstructured open interviews and analyzed through the systematic method of Strauss and Corbin. In general, the achievements of the field research include a central category, 4 main categories, 67 sub-categories and 139 concepts. Faced with the stock market and its prevailing conditions, the participants of the round adopted the basic strategy, and the consequences of these strategies are examined. If shareholders invest in the stock market, it will have consequences such as obtaining resources for large businesses, creating a platform for creating medium-sized companies, creating jobs, and reducing liquidity and inflation. Considering the second strategy of investors based on not reinvesting in the stock market, this will cause the fall of the stock market.
Article number: 15
Keywords: sociological analysis, socio-economic factors, investment behavior, Tehran stock market
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Article type: Research | Subject: General
Received: 2023/05/9 | Accepted: 2023/07/18 | Published: 2023/10/2
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Bagheri M, Azkia M, Mousai M. Sociological Analysis of Socio-economic Factors Affecting the Investment Behavior of Shareholders in Tehran Stock Market. mieaoi 2023; 12 (44) : 15
URL: http://mieaoi.ir/article-1-1387-en.html

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Volume 12, Issue 44 (10-2023) Back to browse issues page
نشریه اقتصاد و بانکداری اسلامی Islamic Economics and Banking
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