Associate professor, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran & - ,
Abstract: (147 Views)
Fair distribution of incomes, wealth and opportunities is an important goal of macroeconomics. However, justice in distribution is an idealistic concept and in the contemporary economic world, distribution of incomes is not completely equal. Therefore, the narrative of egalitarianism is not fully compatible with justice. So far, several theories have been presented about economic justice and fair distribution, and various empirical studies have derived different and even contradictory results. In this article, first the Kuznets hypothesis (relationship between income distribution and economic growth) is tested in Iran over the period 1978-2023, and then the effect of age dependency ratio, natural resource rent (due to the structural characteristics and reliance of the economy on the flow of natural resource rent) and trade openness on income inequality are examined. Also, due to the implementation of the subsidy targeting law since the end of 2009, the effect of subsidy payment on income distribution is studied. The estimation results of the autoregressive distributed lags(ARDL) model showed that in the long term, firstly, there is a quadratic relationship between the degree of income inequality, measured by the Gini coefficient, and per capita income. As the age dependency ratio increases, the Gini coefficient increases, and with the increase in the degree of trade openness, the level of income inequality increases. Along with the increase in the rent of natural resources, the income inequality decreases. Also, the subsidy targeting program has been able to reduce income inequality to some extent.