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Showing 1 results for Feghhi Farahmand

Ali Bahman Pour, Naser Feghhi Farahmand, Kamaluddin Rahmani Yushanloui,
Volume 13, Issue 47 (7-2024)

The current research has been done with the aim of providing a suitable model of financing the shoe and leather industries using fuzzy linear programming, and three hypotheses have been proposed to achieve the above goal. The current research is applied and descriptive research and the statistical population of the research includes shoe and leather industries of East Azarbayjan province, which was determined as a statistical sample of 97 people using Morgan's table. The data needed for the research was collected by using a researcher-made questionnaire to identify financing methods whose validity and reliability were measured and confirmed, and it was also used to model fuzzy linear planning through the documents of the companies. According to the research results of the shoe and leather industries of the province, 11.4% of the necessary resources should be provided through commercial creditors, 21.3% through working capital financing, 40.5% through long-term loans and 8% through long-term loans. Through other short-term loans from financial institutions and banks, provide 9.4 percent through finance (foreign facilities) and 4.4 percent through Uzans (foreign facilities). The rest of the existing facilities remain unused and also the optimal solution of linear programming is different from fuzzy linear programming.


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نشریه اقتصاد و بانکداری اسلامی Islamic Economics and Banking
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