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Showing 4 results for Mozayani
Amir Hossein Mozayani , Raziye Mohammadi Saber , Volume 8, Issue 29 (1-2020)
Improving the community health as one of the preconditions of achieving sustainable development goals, through promoting labor force performance, has provided the basis for economic growth and achieving to the goals such as public welfare, economic growth, and justice. This study analyzes Iran health performance through few health indicators (such as life expectancy at birth, Mortality rate, under-5 (per 1,000 live births), Out-of-pocket Payment, Insurance Coverage Rate, insurance Penetration Rate, and Mental Health Condition), in order to investigate its compatibility with Islamic justice principles. In spite of some improving trends in Iran health sector during recent decades, the results imply that the health conditions are not satisfiable and compatible with Islamic healthy society terms.
Amir H Mozayani, Volume 10, Issue 37 (3-2022)
Extensively expansionary monetary policy has posed serious challenges to Iran's economy in recent decades. In this regard, we can point to the elimination of public tendency to supply of Qarz-ol-Hasna deposits. So that the share of Gharz -ol-Hasna deposits in total bank deposits has decreased and has reached almost its lowest level in the last four decades. Among these, one of the most important reasons has been monetary policy indiscipline during this period which has been led to a sharp increase in liquidity and inflation rate and consequently increased opportunity cost of money or time value of money and has caused the Qarz -ol-Hasna deposit (in the form of Qarz-ol-Hasna deposits in the banking system), to decline. However, Qarz-ol-Hasna has been highly emphasized in the Qur'an and Islamic sources and many economic and social functions can be imagined for it. In this article by reviewing monetary authority's performance through monetary and inflation indices tried to pathologies the decreasing trend of Qarz -ol-Hasna deposits, focusing on monetary policies role.
Amir Hossein Mozayani, Volume 12, Issue 42 (5-2023)
More than four decades have passed since the implementation of Islamic economy in the country. During this period, the operationalization process of Islamic economy has seen many changes. From the formation of very idealistic expectations in the early years about the capabilities of the Islamic economy in terms of responding to all human needs in material life, to the implementation challenges and the gap between the initial expectations and the existing performance in the country's economy. In order to diagnose the current performance of the Islamic economy in the country, the study of the issue from the perspective of the supply side and the demand side was put on the agenda. The results indicate that there is a big gap between what is currently available as the experience of operationalization of Islamic economy and what was expected from the category of Islamic economy at the beginning of the revolution. In addition, it seems that in the supply side of Islamic economy, both in terms of scientific and intellectual foundations and in terms of providing software platforms, in comparison with the demand side of Islamic economy, a relatively more appropriate performance is observed. In the end, it is recommended to pay attention to some facts in order to redefine the operationalization process of Islamic economy in the country. The components of the Islamic economy are not the same in operational terms, the society is an entity that changes over time, the Islamic government should also be committed to policy-making in accordance with the operationalization of the Islamic economy, etc.
Amirhossein Mozayani, Fatemeh Jabbari, Volume 14, Issue 50 (3-2026)
Financial inclusion is a concept that denotes universal access to quality, economical, and efficient financial services. In the past decade, the development of financial inclusion has been recognized and emphasized by countries as a conduit for achieving development accompanied by economic justice. In this context, this article examines the importance of developing financial inclusion as a strategy for enhancing economic justice in Iran. Specifically, methods such as microfinancing and supply chain finance that can improve public access to financial services and create equal economic opportunities are explored. Furthermore, the paper attempts to present a picture of the state of financial inclusion in Iran using selected indicators such as loan facilities, insurance penetration, and access to electronic payment tools. Despite the progress made, challenges still exist in the realm of financial inclusion that require effective policy-making. The capabilities of developing financial inclusion in promoting economic justice are also outlined, with results indicating that the development of financial inclusion in Iran is not only an economic necessity but also a social imperative that can help establish economic justice with an emphasis on Islamic concerns.