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Showing 9 results for Equality

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Volume 7, Issue 23 (7-2018)

Economic discrimination in Islam is from instances of injustice and affects some indicators, including Property Rights. When business opportunities and investments are distributed unfair, and those who are prone to be deprived Due to lack of access to rent and special relations, they are discouraged and discontented. Different aspects of dissatisfaction arise in various ways in different ways: Some because of frequent lawlessness in the area of resource allocation and capital they turn to lawlessness types of economic crimes appear in society. Under these conditions insecurity is created in the community and property rights are violated too. It also increase social risk, reduces job opportunities and investment, and the economy is on the verge of stagnation.
In this paper, we have tried to examine the relationship between the index of property rights and the index of resource allocation and economic opportunities in Islamic economics. To do this, we analyze library resources that the findings show that these two indicators have a direct and reciprocal relationship
Seyed Mohammad Kazem Rajaee,
Volume 8, Issue 29 (1-2020)

Criteria, criteria and general areas make it easy to measure the concept through the index. The criterion of measurement may be derived from the causal or causal method. In this descriptive-analytical method through conceptual explanation, in this paper, four concepts of economic justice are first considered independently and attempted to present a standard a priori method for each concept in its particular domain.
Based on the meaning of equality, the criteria for equality of opportunity have been introduced, especially in primary wealth and government services. Based on the concept of intermediate, the criterion of moderation - based on the concept of entitlement in the domain of the distribution of the share of production agents; the criterion of the entitlement; - in the territory of redistribution on the basis of need; The income classes are the measure of equilibrium in life, income and wealth as the criterion of justice.
Based on the traditions of the infallible leaders (AS), five criteria: breadth of life; dignity; right to live a religious life among the people; peace and harmony;
Mostafa Kazemi Najafabadi, Seyed Reza Hoseini,
Volume 9, Issue 32 (11-2020)

One of the important distinctions of the Islamic Social Security model with conventional patterns is the very constructive and essential role of social inequality and voluntary participation. Revitalizing this sector in line with the needs of the day and advances in information technology requires research and cultural work by influential social authorities and institutions. In the Islamic view, poverty is a tool for the poor to experience and prosper, as well as a testament to the rich, the purification of their possessions and the promotion of their human spirit. Providing a rational and easy solution to connect the two groups can provide the spiritual, human and material growth of the Islamic community and protect the Islamic community against social harm. Obviously, such an important task requires several research projects, some of which are technical research. This article seeks to facilitate the needs and facilities of benevolence in order to facilitate a benevolent part of the community and to facilitate an easy, direct, secure, and decent communication with the poor of the community. The results of the study indicate that in terms of designing the national system of social homophobia, in terms of goals, structures and structures, inputs, methods, processes and implementation, in addition to promoting social homophobia, benevolence can be accelerated in society. Guaranteed. The research method in this paper is a descriptive analysis and data collection by library method although it has also benefited from the intellectual rainfall of the interviewers.
Amir Sabouri, Mahnaz Rabiei, Fatemeh Zandi, Bahram Shakouri,
Volume 12, Issue 42 (5-2023)

Purpose and background: In recent years, due to the existence of severe sanctions and obstacles governing the sale of oil, it has led to an increase in the exchange rate, and on the other hand, the decrease in foreign exchange resources has led to a decrease in the government's income, and the limitation of the income caused by the financial policies of the government is sufficient to cover the expenses of the government. does not give and as a result the budget deficit has caused many problems in the government's economic system. So far, no comprehensive research has been done in the field of developing the optimal model of monetary policies for liquidity and income distribution. Thus, in this article, we try to investigate the effects of optimal monetary policy on these variables and close the existing research gap. Based on this, the main goal of this research is to investigate the effect of optimal monetary policy on liquidity and inequality of income distribution.
Method: The current research method is practical. The period of the current research was 1357 to 1398. To estimate the model, the self-regression econometric model with distributed interruptions or ARDL was used in Microfit 5 software space.
Findings: Optimal monetary policies have a positive and significant effect on the adjustment of liquidity volume. Optimal monetary policies have a positive and significant effect on income equality.
Conclusion: Based on the results of the model, the liquidity situation and income inequality have worsened during the period under review, as a result, the monetary policy in the country did not have the necessary efficiency.

Hosain Sadeghi, Saeid Taheri,
Volume 13, Issue 46 (3-2025)

This article examines the concepts and theories of justice from philosophical, historical, and social perspectives. Economic justice, being a multifaceted and dynamic concept, requires careful and comprehensive analysis. From the theorists Plato and Aristotle to Kant and Rawls, each has presented their unique views on justice, emphasizing concepts such as balance, steadfastness, equality, and merit. The concept of distributive justice is defined as the fair distribution of resources and opportunities among individuals in society, with Walzer's emphasis on the independence of social spheres reflecting its complexity.
A historical review of the evolution and developments in economic justice theories shows that this concept has always been influenced by cultural, social, and historical contexts. From the ancient theories of Plato and Aristotle, which emphasized balance and harmony, to the modern theories of Hobbes, Locke, and Rousseau, which focused on natural rights and the social contract, the concepts of economic justice have gradually evolved. In the modern era, theories of distributive and economic justice have been developed by philosophers like Rawls and Nozick, who emphasized merit, individual rights, and fairness.
This research demonstrates that economic justice is not only a theoretical concept but also a practical principle in social life that must adapt to social and cultural changes. Some theorists, such as the Keynesians, believe that economic justice requires government intervention to mitigate economic inequalities, arguing that appropriate policies can ensure the fair distribution of resources. On the other hand, critics like Friedrich Hayek argue that efforts to impose economic justice through government policies lead to restrictions on individual freedoms and economic inefficiency.
This paper shows that economic justice, as a dynamic and multi-layered concept, must be examined from various philosophical, historical, social, and religious angles. Justice has always been influenced by cultural and historical contexts and must be adapted to different conditions and viewpoints. Economic justice focuses on the fair distribution of resources and the reduction of inequalities, requiring attention to both individual and social rights. Efforts to impose economic justice through government policies should not result in economic inefficiency.

Seyed Hadi Arabi, Javad Arbab,
Volume 13, Issue 47 (7-2024)

The various aspects of justice encompass the scope of human social life; establishing justice as one of the central divine programs for social growth and development has been emphasized in the Holy Quran. An important chapter of social justice is “economic justice”. Justice is a divine gift, the structure and conceptual structure of which can be traced through the teachings of the Holy Quran; after expressing the common concept of “economic justice”, the present study examines its conceptual issues and side issues from the perspective of the Holy Quran. Economic justice in the Holy Quran can be divided into two basic axes. “Justice based on rights” as a “desirable matter” on the basis of which God Almighty demands certain orders from humans, and “systemic justice” in the existential concept is used as a description of the system of existence and creation, the existence of consistency and harmony in the system of creation. The fair treatment of natural resources, the distribution of positions and positions, justice in contracts, the market and factors of production, the relationship between justice and expediency, inequality, and how to enjoy basic facilities are among the topics addressed in this article from the perspective of Quranic teachings.

Morteza Ezzati,
Volume 13, Issue 48 (8-2024)

Justice is one of the key concepts in regulating individual and social behavior. The Qur'an deals with justice as a behavioral concept. But in the expression of Islamic thoughts, we see that they attribute various understandings of justice to the Qur'an and Islam. Some consider justice as a general concept and consider economic justice as an installment. Some consider justice as a government and some interpret justice as equality in incomes. Different and sometimes conflicting interpretations cannot be the meaning of justice. Also, interpretations contrary to other Qur'anic and religious foundations cannot be the Qur'anic meaning of justice. Based on clear principles in religious interpretations, nothing contrary to the Qur'an can be attributed to religion and Islam. This article tries to provide an analysis on the causes of non-Qur'anic understanding of the concept of justice by looking at the theoretical frameworks and methodology of semantics, and then with the methods of etymology, semantics and comparative analysis the Qur'an to the Qur'an, to analyze and extract the correct concept of justice in the Qur'an and its various dimensions, including the economic aspect of justice in the Qur'an. The main findings of this study show that most of the common errors in semantics have occurred in the perception of justice. Also, Quranic justice means giving and respecting people's rights, and notions such as equal distribution of income, wealth, consumption, and the like cannot be compatible with Quranic justice. Equality of human beings is part of Quranic justice, but equalizing human beings is contrary to Quranic justice. Also, justice in the Qur'an has different dimensions, which include the behavior of ruling, testifying, speaking and giving, and respecting the economic rights of others.

Lotfali Agheli,
Volume 13, Issue 48 (8-2024)

Fair distribution of incomes, wealth and opportunities is an important goal of macroeconomics. However, justice in distribution is an idealistic concept and in the contemporary economic world, distribution of incomes is not completely equal. Therefore, the narrative of egalitarianism is not fully compatible with justice. So far, several theories have been presented about economic justice and fair distribution, and various empirical studies have derived different and even contradictory results. In this article, first the Kuznets hypothesis (relationship between income distribution and economic growth) is tested in Iran over the period 1978-2023, and then the effect of age dependency ratio, natural resource rent (due to the structural characteristics and reliance of the economy on the flow of natural resource rent) and trade openness on income inequality are examined. Also, due to the implementation of the subsidy targeting law since the end of 2009, the effect of subsidy payment on income distribution is studied. The estimation results of the autoregressive distributed lags(ARDL) model showed that in the long term, firstly, there is a quadratic relationship between the degree of income inequality, measured by the Gini coefficient, and per capita income. As the age dependency ratio increases, the Gini coefficient increases, and with the increase in the degree of trade openness, the level of income inequality increases. Along with the increase in the rent of natural resources, the income inequality decreases. Also, the subsidy targeting program has been able to reduce income inequality to some extent.

Moloud Jafari, Bahareh Maleki, Maryam Jafari,
Volume 14, Issue 50 (3-2026)

In Islamic countries, zakat is one of the most important Islamic incomes, the correct collection and distribution of which can have many positive effects, such as the elimination of poverty and income inequality, the reduction of class differences among members of the society, as well as the growth and prosperity of the Islamic society. The main purpose of this article is to investigate the effect of zakat threshold on income inequality in Iran with emphasis on the thoughts of Imam Ali during the period of 2001:4- 2021:1. For this purpose, the Gini coefficient variable was used for income inequality, and the Smooth transition regression (STR) method was used to estimate the threshold. The results showed that zakat is a function of income inequality with two transition variable breaks. The threshold limit of the transition variable is equal to 0.222%, which shows the transition point of the Gini coefficient function and the beginning of the second limit regime. The results of zakat coefficients have a negative effect on income inequality in both regimes, but this effect has been greatly strengthened in the second regime. The first interval of the dependent variable of the Gini coefficient had a positive effect on income inequality in the first regime, but it did not have a significant effect in the second regime. The result of the per capita production and its interruptions were positive in the first regime and negative in the second regime. The result of trade in both regimes shows the positive effect of trade on income inequality. The result of good governance index coefficients in both regimes is negative on income inequality and this effect has been strengthened in the second regime.

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نشریه اقتصاد و بانکداری اسلامی Islamic Economics and Banking
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