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Showing 18 results for Panel Data

Volume 3, Issue 7 (9-2014)


In the years before World War II, the concept of good governance was less used. But during the 1980s, a new concept has emerged that more than of government notes. Indeed, good governance is a broad concept that encompasses the participation of government institutions, civil society and the private sector. All three sections are essential for sustainable human development. Political and legal environment creates fertile state, private sector and civil society engagement creates employment and income, political and social activist groups to participate in economic activities, facilitate social and political.

Indicators of good governance are the work of three researchers at the World Bank's Daniel Kaufmann, Art rental Zvydv Pablo Lvbatvna. These researchers, on the basis of the findings of various international institutions such as the Heritage Foundation and Freedom House about the economic, political and social subjects, has introduced new indices as indicators of governance. The World Bank's presents the good governance on the base of six indicators.

In this study, using the eviews 6 software package and ordinary least squares method to evaluate the effect of good governance index on economic growth will be discussed. The data of indicator of good governance based on studies done by Mr. Kaufmann and others can be obtained from the World Bank. The economic growth statistics is offered via of the WDI source annually for all countries that is published by the World Bank, have been obtained.

Study period covers the years 2012-2000 .The results show that over time increase the quality of governance a five percent GDP growth for the countries studied and other variables can explain the   three percent of changes of GDP growth rate

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Volume 5, Issue 15 (8-2016)

In this research, we aim to identify the most influential factors of the profitability of the Islamic banks. To do this, we use profit margin as profitability measure of banks uneder study. The research data are extracted from 29 Islamic banks in 10 members of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) over the period 2004-2011. These are analyzed by panel data methods. The findings indicate that, out of 11 variables under study, the average annual exchange rate is of positive, strong and significant effect on “profit margin”. In addition, loans to customer deposits ratio has positive, strong and significant effect on “profit margin”.

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Volume 6, Issue 19 (7-2017)

Poverty is an abnormity item. For declining of poverty in society, we need suitable policies. So, one of the goal targets of governments, which are people obtain sufficient welfare services. Activities of market and government are not sufficient in order to delete absolute poverty and adjustment of inequality. People individually or charitable organizations can help to human and create joyful environment for him and others. Maybe, the sense of humanity is main factor to create charitable organizations that increase in critical condition s. in this paper we examine main factors on charitable giving according to Panel Data with deal constant effects. Results shows that household income has positive significant influence and age of householder has negative significant influence and size of household has insignificant influence on charitable giving

Volume 6, Issue 19 (7-2017)

The first profits that banks make out of giving e-banking services are a better commercial brand and a better power of accountability to their customers’ wants. Banks which give such services are recognized as the leaders of implementing technology in the business atmosphere. The main goal of these leaders is to maximize the earnings or profits for the owners and the beneficiaries. From banks’ point of view electronic banking (e-banking) means very inexpensive transactions in comparison with traditional banking. Therefore, in this study we are going to assess the influence of e-banking on the profitability of the branches of Bank Sepah in the East Azerbaijan Province. The present study in terms of purpose is an applied research. In this study to test the hypotheses the multivariate linear regression model is used and for data analysis the mixed model (panel data analysis) is used and the span of the research is since 2004 up to 2014. The dependent variable which was used in this research was the return on assets which was achieved from the ratio of bank profits to bank assets and is a yardstick for the profitability and the attempts of bank managers toward profitability. Also, the descriptive variables are ATMs which are the main e-banking factor, credit cards, PIN pad devices, and the market share which is selected from the ratio of bank deposits to the whole deposits of the selected banks. The results of the research indicate that ATMs and the market share have a positive influence and the credit cards which are issued by Bank Sepah have a negative influence on the profitability of Bank Sepah in the East Azerbaijan Province

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Volume 6, Issue 20 (10-2017)

In economic theories, every market contains three main elements of function, competiveness, behavior and structure. Competitiveness is one of the main elements of the market structure that can be affected by other components of the market. The function of bank system has always been reflected in indexes such as profiteering, competitiveness and their proficiency that these variables themselves must basically be affected in a coherent framework rather than other factors. For successful policymaking and their implementations in the bank system of the country we have to recognize the quality of relationship between the structure and function of the bank system and according to the nature and the manner of these elements’ correlation, we can determine the form and organization type of the market. The goal of this research is to investigate the effects of market concentration on the function of bank system in Iran. In the correlation estimation of market concentration and the function of public and private banks of Iran, panel data method has been used within the years of 1384 to 1392; out of which the following results are concluded: The variables of concentration, inflation, the volume of money, and the ratio of bank facilities to the total bank system assets, have positive effect and the variables of risk, and public banks profit rate have a negative effect on bank systems in Iran
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Volume 7, Issue 22 (3-2018)

Banking industry, just like other areas, is developing very fast around the world. Today, banks try to deliver their quality services to the clients in the least time possible. A bank that is incapable of providing electronic banking services for the customers is condemned to get bankrupt. So, a transition is inevitable, not an option, from the traditional to the electronic banking. Considering the great advantages of electronic banking in terms of reduction of the costs, service quality improvement, elimination of temporal and spatial limitations, wider areas of services and marketing, in many developed countries the banks provide their services only in electronic form. Therefore, in addition to the traditional banking offerings, well-experienced banks have made specific independent departments to extend their services to the electronic form.
In recent years, taking advantage of information technology, service industries has been increased significantly in Iran, especially in the banking industry. Using ICT with Internet banking, e-payment, security investments and exchange of information is provided in the country. Given the importance of the phenomenon, the porpuse of this study was to investigate the effect of electronic banking on the profitability of commercial banks is elected Iran.  Modeling using panel data on the basis of the country's six banks (Parsian, Pasargad, people, business, new economy and exports of Iran) in the form of an econometric models with Fixed Effects was conducted during the period 1387-1394. The results indicate that e-banking has a positive and significant effect on the profitability of banks in Iran
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Volume 8, Issue 27 (9-2019)

In this study, we have investigated the effects of variables related to the indicators of economic security and foreign trade on the Economic growth; to achieve this purpose, the econometric technique of panel data was used with co-integration method and the approach of generalized least squares (GLS), for 9 selected countries of organization of the Islamic conference (OIC), during since 2005 to 2016. Economic security indicators used include the right to protest and accountability, political stability without violence, government effectiveness, regulatory quality, rule of law and control of corruption, and foreign trade index is the sum of export and import of these countries. The results of the estimations show that the sensitivity of economic growth compared to the index of the right to protest and accountability is equal to 0.14 and respectively for the above indexes are equal to 0.65, 0.43, 0.54, 0.03 and 0.12  and also economic growth sensitivity to the foreign trade index is equal to 0.29. The obtained results indicate that the indicators of economic security and foreign trade have positive impact on the economic growth during the period of investigation.

Volume 8, Issue 27 (9-2019)

Money demand is the most important function in examining the effects of monetary policy on the economy, in such a way that monetary policy can help monetary authorities achieve their goals by affecting demand for money. In this research, panel data from 2001 to 2014 have been used to estimate the demand function of money in the banking system in Islamic countries, using spatial econometrics. In this study, in order to extract the money demand function, the maximization model of the expected utility function is used with respect to its budget constraint. The results show that there is a negative and significant relation between the inflation rate (interest rate) and the demand for money, that is, with Increasing inflation, the yield of durable goods rises, so people prefer to turn their money into durable goods; hence, demand for money is reduced. However, there is a positive and meaningful relationship between national income and money demand, when there is a widespread definition of money. That is, due to higher income levels, as expenses increase, demand for money from individuals also increases and aggregate demand for money increases. The variable coefficient of spatial delay is in the meaningful and negative model. In other words, the proximity of the selected countries has had a negative effect on the demand for money
Arash Najafpour, Hamed Fazeli Kebria, Mohammad Pour Esmayal,
Volume 8, Issue 29 (1-2020)

growing developing economies need considerable finance executives of using resources from domestic and international markets for the survival and development . One of the recent innovations in the Islamic financial and monetary discussions , the release of all kinds of Islamic bonds called sukuk .  the main aim , to identify  and  driving the creation of one of the last century and the financial crisis as a result of the creation of a financial system, comprehensive and stable development of economic growth and  markets. Since a new instrument sukuk financing for the Islamic  Sharia  jurisprudence and that Islam is compatible with that many Islamic countries and non - Islamic use it. The present study examines the impact of sukuk on economic growth in selected countries. For this purpose, sukuk, a new Islamic finance instrument, and statistical data from 2009-2015 and the method of econometric estimation of panel data have been used. The results of the model estimation show that sukuk has a positive and significant impact on economic growth in the studied countries.                                    
Mohammad Ghaffary Fard, Adela Rahmati, Dawood Yusefzei,
Volume 8, Issue 29 (1-2020)

Capital is an indispensable tool for economic growth and prosperity, which is accelerated through the financial markets, and Islamic finance tools have developed significantly in Islamic countries in recent years. Islamic financing has emerged with the aim of presenting a new paradigm to replace traditional and traditional financial systems and providing Shariah-based financial, business and investment opportunities and opportunities in world financial literature. Economic growth of countries, Malaysia, Iran, Pakistan, Qatar, Bahrain, Turkey, Indonesia, United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia, using panel data, variables affecting economic growth (government spending, gross capital formation, labor force, export and trade) ) Was analyzed. The results show that the formation of gross capital, labor force, exports, government spending and Sukuk has influenced the economic growth of the country and financial market policymakers should pay special attention to the development of financial instruments in Islamic countries.

Parvaneh Kamali Dehkordi, Fereshteh Abdollahi, Abdolkhalegh Ghobeyshavi,
Volume 9, Issue 30 (3-2020)

The role of government in influencing economic activity is undeniable, although it varies widely in economic systems. Productivity is one of the variables affecting government interventions and it greatly affects the overall competitiveness of the economy. This    study investigates the effect of government size on labor and capital factor productivity  in Islamic countries of OPEC during 2018 -2000 using panel data method in both linear and nonlinear methods in Cobb Douglas and Translog mode. So, two models were estimated. In nonlinear  models ,  it shows that labor market and capital productivity   are not moderated by two variables of size of government and capital . In both models, the size of the government has a negative effect on labor productivity and capital markets.  comparing the results of the two   models,  it show that the linear model is preferable to nonlinear and among the linear model states of the Cobb Douglas function based on the significance of the model coefficients and the likelihood and chi-square test statistic is more advantageous. Therefore, considering the estimation results on the influence of state size and other variables, can be it suggested that It can be done by providing facilities to the private sector and facilitating the business climate   , reduce  government  size, it  increases the productivity of the private sector.
Zahra Safaei, Reza Shakeri Bostanabad, Mohsen Salehi Lomroudi,
Volume 9, Issue 33 (2-2021)

In Islamic countries, khums and zakat are among the most important Islamic incomes. Proper collection and distribution of zakat can have many positive effects, including the elimination of poverty, reducing the class gap among members of society, as well as the growth and prosperity of Islamic society. The purpose of the present study is to estimate the effect of effective factors on the collection of alms by Imam Khomeini's Relief foundation. The statistical population of the present study includes all the cities of the province of Sistan and Baluchestan and the performance of Imam Khomeini's Relief Foundation in collecting alms will be analyzed. Panel data have been used in the present study and the hypotheses were tested through multiple linear regression by using E-views software. The results of the study show that the variables of per capita income, value added of the agricultural sector, number of students and religious institutions have a positive effect on zakat collection.
Mohammad Ghaffary Fard, Jan Mohammad Falah, Mohammad Yusoaf Khashee,
Volume 10, Issue 34 (5-2021)

Today, societies need a direct focus on religious capital for their economic growth and development, because religious capital has better capabilities than any other capital. Religious beliefs can directly or indirectly influence production and economic growth because individuals' religious attitudes are one of the most important variables that will shape their future ethics and behavior. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of composite indices of religious capital on the economy with emphasis on economic growth over time period of 0-1 in provinces of Iran using panel data method. The results show that the combined indexes of religious capital have had a positive and significant effect on the economic growth (GDP) in the provinces studied, with a one percent increase in the growth of religious capital indices, with economic growth increasing by 4.1 and 2.3 percent, respectively. Labor productivity, government spending and export value also have a positive and significant effect on GDP in Iran's provinces. For economic growth and development, it is suggested that economic policymakers use media, educational and cultural tools to increase the cost of religious spending on Iranian households.
Hasan Maleki Kaklar, Iraj Molaei Gholanji,
Volume 11, Issue 39 (9-2022)

The relationship between working capital management, financial leverage and performance indices is one of the main issues in financial accounting and has been considered empirically in recent byears. Hence, this study, examines the relation between working capital management and profitability in Tehran Stock Exchange. In order to, we are using a sample of 146 companies in the 10 years during the period 2011-2020. In this essay the survey of the relation between working capital management and profitability by simultaneous equations, because in the model of this essay, independent variables and dependant variables are used interchangeably.For data analysis and estimation of the relationship between variables are used the simultaneous equations system, because the results of simultaneous equations system reliability and accuracy is more than single equation. The results show there is a relation between working capital management and profitability and suggested in the data analysis and policy adoption should be considered the relation between working capital and corporate profitability

Yazdan Gudarzi Farahani, Razieh Karkhane,
Volume 11, Issue 41 (3-2023)

The purpose of this study was to investigate the performance of Qarzat al-Hasna institutions as microfinance institutions in Iran. For this purpose, the statistical information of the country's banking system in the period 2009 to 2020 and the panel data method were used. In order to estimate this relationship, diagnostic tests were performed on the research variables and finally the experimental model was estimated using the panel data method with fixed effects. The results showed that Gharz al-Hasna facilities had a positive and significant effect on the production of various economic sectors. In addition, bank size variables as well as money supply as a measure of monetary policy have also had positive effects on output. On this basis, it is suggested that the policies of providing loans inbanks should be shifted to start-up and self-employed businesses.
Javad Nobakht, Gholamali Haji, Abbas Memarnezhad, Ahmad Sarlak,
Volume 13, Issue 46 (3-2025)

The banking system Soundness is very important for maintaining economic, social and political stability and ensuring sustainable development at the national and international levels. Therefore, revealing the factors affecting the health of banks and considering these factors in the design of economic policies is important. Several factors affect the financial health of the banking system at the company level and the country level. which have a different effect depending on the type and nature. In this regard, studies show that the performance and banking system Soundness is largely dependent on the environmental conditions of the macroeconomic environment with contradictory influence. According to this issue, in this study, the uncertain effect of macroeconomic variables and bank-specific factors on the health of the banking system of the Islamic Republic of Iran during the period 2001-2021 was investigated using the panel data method and fixed effects And with the benefit of Eviews software.
The results of the survey have shown that corporate governance, economic growth, bank size and quality of supervision have a negative and significant effect on the financial Soundness index of the banking system. In contrast, the uncertainty of macroeconomic variables and banking competition have a positive and significant effect on the financial Soundness index of the banking system.

Mirjavad Seydanejad, Saeed Jabarzadeh Kangar Loui, Jamal Bahri Sales, Manije Ramshe,
Volume 13, Issue 49 (12-2024)

In economics and management, the life cycle of companies and institutions is divided into stages. In the literature of these sciences, models with several stages have been presented for the life cycle, in the framework of these models, institutions and companies follow a specific policy and policy according to each stage of their economic life. These policies are reflected in the accounting information of companies. In the field of accounting, some researchers have investigated the effect of the company's life cycle on accounting information. The purpose of this article was to investigate and explain the capital structure with an emphasis on the life cycle of Iranian companies admitted to the Tehran Oraqeb Bahadar Stock Exchange. For this purpose, the statistical information of the companies admitted to the Tehran Stock Exchange in the period of 1390-1401 and the panel data method were used. The results of this study showed that the life cycle had a negative and significant effect on the capital structure of the company.

Mostafa Moslemi, Mohsen Mehrare, Azar Moslemi,
Volume 13, Issue 49 (12-2024)

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of blockchain technology on the quality of the audit process in the country's banking system. For this purpose, the statistical information of the country's banking system in the period of 2015-2023 and the panel data method were used. In order to estimate this relationship, diagnostic tests were performed on the research variables and finally the experimental model was estimated using the panel data method with fixed effects. The obtained results indicated that the index of using blockchain technology had a positive and significant effect on the quality of the bank audit process. In general, creating an audit system based on blockchain can improve the quality of the audit and reduce the costs and time related to the audit.

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