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Showing 1 results for Presenting A Model - Prevention of Financial Stress - Banking Industry.

Reza Kahkhaee Akbari, Ali Khozein, Jamardi Goganali Dogi, Maryam Bokharaeian,
Volume 12, Issue 43 (7-2023)

The purpose of the research was to provide a model for preventing financial stress in the banking industry. The method of mixed research is exploratory. The statistical population in the qualitative part included academic experts and in the quantitative part all managers and heads of branches based on the grade of public and private banks in Golestan province. 384 people were randomly selected for model testing in the qualitative part of the purposeful snowball and judgmental sampling and in the quantitative part of the simple random sampling method based on Cochran's sample size formula. The research tool in the qualitative part was an interview with experts and in the quantitative part, a questionnaire. Validity was used in the qualitative part of the criteria of verifiability, reliability, transferability, credibility, and in the quantitative part, content validity and construct validity were used. Reliability in the qualitative part was confirmed by two methods of retesting and intrasubject agreement between coders, and in the quantitative part by Cronbach's alpha coefficient. In the qualitative part, similar categories were merged and finally 47 total data were obtained. In the next step, the coded data were classified into 6 categories. The developed qualitative model was tested in the form of a questionnaire. In the quantitative part, using confirmatory factor analysis, the model was examined and the fit of the experimental model was determined. The results of the structural model showed that the proposed model has sufficient validity, which was analyzed using PLS software, and the fit of the measurement, structural, and overall model models was confirmed. In general, the results showed that the management of attracting resources, increasing profitability, optimal management of costs and obligations, managing customer relations, managing deferred and doubtful items, and promoting foreign exchange activities are among the main dimensions in preventing financial stress in the banking industry.

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نشریه اقتصاد و بانکداری اسلامی Islamic Economics and Banking
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