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Showing 8 results for Conventional

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Volume 4, Issue 13 (2-2016)

Abstract Evidences indicate that some financial crises had occurred in the conventional banking system that often they were severe. At first sight this impression may create that the Islamic banking system doesn’t have any solution to reduce the financial crisis, and this system is consistent with the traditional society. But in theory, the features of this system and the opinions which are expressed about its respective operations are evidence that the willingness to create an Islamic banking increasingly had expanded. Therefore, in this study with use of content analysis method and library research, Islamic banking’s solution for any of the reasons which mentioned as causes of the crisis have been investigated, while offering causes of the financial crisis in the Western financial system, and through the reasons it has been shown that in theory Islamic banking can reduce the financial crisis and it can be a solution for the global financial system. As a country that Islamic banking just let to work, Iran has made great efforts in this field. But unfortunately, Islamic banking couldn’t actually play its role well, so at the end of the article some solutions for increasing the efficiency of Islamic banking in Iran are expressed.
Seyedhadi Arabi, Fateme Mahmodi,
Volume 5, Issue 14 (3-2016)

Today,insurance is an essential part of the financial system in each country. In the capital market, insurance companies are of important institutions that, along with other financial institutions contribute to the resource allocation. Insurance and Takaful companies play significant role in covering the risks of economic activities and are of the most important institutions for economic growth flourishing. Islamic insurance industry, in order to avoid some problems of conventional insurance from Sunni jurisprudence perspective, has suggested Takaful model that has received more tendency in both Muslim and non-Muslim countries. Although conventional insurance is legal from Shi'a jurisprudence, but using of Takaful increases the capacity of the insurance market. This article tries to introduce Takaful and investigate its differences with the conventional insurance, and its challenges via descriptive-analytical method. The results show that Takaful industry has distinct characteristics from conventional insurance. Takaful financial operations are more transparent than conventional insurance. In Takaful customers (insured) have a share in underwriting surplus and profit from investment and therefore closer to justice. Takaful, homogenization and standardization of business models and regulations are important for developing Takaful industry. Reducing costs and encouraging investors require strengthening the secondary market for Takaful.

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Volume 7, Issue 23 (7-2018)

In this research to compare the performance of banks The profitability indicators such as return on assets, return on equity and net interest margin is used. The statistical sample includes 6 Iranian banks, 4 Bahrain Islamic banks and 4 conventional Bahrain banks for the years 2007-2014. The coefficients of each of the variables affecting the profitability indicators in all three models, using linear regression model and is estimated and analyzed using ordinary least squares method (OLS). research findings show that between bank size and profitability, for Islamic banks in Bahrain, there was a positive and significant relationship and this has been meaningless for conventional banks in Bahrain and banks without interest Iran. unlike Iranian banks and Bahrain Islamic banks, Bahrain conventional banks have been able to increase their profits by increasing concessional facilities. there was also a negative and significant relationship between the ratio of cash assets to total assets and profitability for conventional Bahrain banks and banks Iran
Abolfazl Samy, Gholamreza Mesbahimoghadam, Kashayar Seyedshokri, Neamatollah Falihi,
Volume 9, Issue 33 (2-2021)

Behavior means the way, method, policy, etc. in all parts of human life, as a representation of spirits, the theme and, in his words, his attitude and thought, which finds an external manifestation, which in the Islamic view is the origin of nature; What is emphasized in this article is the part of economic behaviors that is in the form of consumer behaviors. Since the Qur'an is the main and first source that Muslims follow, first by referring to all 114 chapters of the Qur'an, consumer behavior is categorized in the form of specific titles, and finally by summarizing them, the necessary results of the discussion, including the difference between these behaviors and Behaviors that are mentioned in conventional economics, such as paying attention to nature, profit and loss in the hereafter and spirituality, God's ownership of profit and loss, the effect of unnatural factors, paying attention to revelation, fair and easy behavior and paying attention to spiritual pleasures are characterized. In the practical part, to determine the level of people's faith, the questionnaire of measuring the dignity of religion and to examine the behavior of consumers in the Islamic Republic of Iran, a researcher-made questionnaire based on the results of the theoretical part has been used; To complete the questionnaire from both face-to-face and online methods, according to the total volume of Iranian society, 400 available samples were selected. Questionnaires were completed between autumn 1398 and summer 1399. While confirming the relationship between faith and Islamic consumer behavior, the effect of factors such as education and income level on negative Islamic consumer behavior and marital status, age shows a positive effect;  Also, different criteria (12 questions) show the compliance of economic behavior of consumers in the Islamic Republic of Iran with behavior derived from the Quran.

Abolfazl Samy, Khashayar Seidsshokri, Gholamreza Mesbahimoghadam, Nematollah Falihipierbasti,
Volume 10, Issue 35 (9-2021)

Behavior means method and behavior in all parts of human life, as a representation of spirits, the theme and, in his words, his attitude and thought, which finds an external appearance, which in the Islamic view is the origin of nature; What is emphasized in this article is a part of economic behaviors which is in the form of sellers' behavior. Since the Quran and Sunnat are the main sources that Muslims follow, first by referring to the Quran, Nahjal-Balaghah and VasaelShieh  means, exchange behavior is classified in the form of specific titles, and finally by summarizing them, the necessary results of the discussion, including the difference between these behaviors. Behaviors that are mentioned in conventional economics, such as paying attention to nature, profit and loss in the hereafter and spirituality, God's ownership of profit and loss, the effect of unnatural factors, paying attention to revelation, fair and lenient behavior, and paying attention to spiritual pleasures are determined. In the practical part, using structural equation modeling, to determine the level of people's faith, the questionnaire of measuring the dignity of religion and to examine the behavior of sellers in the Islamic Republic of Iran, a researcher-made questionnaire based on the results of the theoretical part has been used; To complete the questionnaire from both face-to-face and online methods, according to the total size of the community of sellers (retailers) in Iran, 300 available samples were selected. Questionnaires were completed between spring and summer 1399. The results, while confirming the relationship between faith and Islamic exchange behavior, show that the effect of factors such as marital status, age, income, education and gender is not significant; Also, different measures (12 questions) show that the economic behavior of sellers in the Islamic Republic of Iran is largely consistent with the behavior derived from the Quran and Sunnat.
Marzieh Daneshmand Naruei, Mosayeb Pahlavani, Marzieh Esfandyari,
Volume 10, Issue 37 (3-2022)

Islamic banking has attracted much attention in the financial economics literature due to its rapid growth. Islamic banking has emerged as an alternative to the conventional form of banking and has grown rapidly in Muslim and non-Muslim countries over the past three decades. Islamic banks have expanded their bases in more than 60 countries around the world, and Islamic banks are expected to receive a large share of savings in Muslim-majority countries, which play an important role in investing in these countries. Will have. Investment is an important component of macroeconomics and plays an important role in growth and transition from recession. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of interest rates on the investment function in a selection of major countries with Islamic and conventional banking systems during the period 1995-2018 using the data panel method. The results of this study showed that in both groups of the country studied, the effect of per capita income on investment function was positive and significant. According to other results, in the sample Muslim countries, trading and prudent incentives were stronger than the speculative incentive, and it seems that Keynes' theory of investment demand was not necessarily confirmed in the sample Muslim countries studied for the period under review.
Rahim Bayat, Asghar Abolhasani Hastiani, Alireza Sharif Moghaddasi, Minoo Amini Milani,
Volume 12, Issue 42 (5-2023)

 The main goal of this research is to investigate the performance of the Islamic banking system compared to the conventional banking system in terms of efficiency criteria by two parametric and non-parametric approaches. For this purpose, two approaches of data envelopment analysis and stochastic frontier analysis were used. The results of the investigation, in terms of both approaches, indicate that Islamic banks are more efficient than banks operating in the conventional system according to the studied input and output variables. The average efficiency of Islamic banks in DEA and SFA models evaluated as 74 and 56.15 percent, respectively, and for conventional banks as 69.5 and 43.18 percent, respectively. The average efficiency of all banks was 71.8% in DEA and 37.8% in SFA. The results also indicated that Iranian banks performed weaker than other Islamic banks in terms of granting the loans, but better than conventional banks. Also, public banks in Iran perform better than private banks in terms of granting loans. Also, the findings of this research showed that the risk of stock returns related to selected Islamic banks is lower compared to conventional banks, both in terms of systematic risk and unsystematic risk.

Behnam Arab Bafrani, Maysam Musai, Ali Asghar Hadavinia,
Volume 12, Issue 45 (12-2023)

How the government plays a role in the economy of culture is manifested in the way of cultural policy-making, and on the other hand, cultural policy-making in any country is based on the principles and beliefs prevailing in that country; As a result, the essential difference between the secular state and the Islamic state will be the basis for the policy distinction in the economy of culture. This research is based on qualitative content analysis and the use of analyzed data from a selection of texts and literature produced, including designs, dissertations, dissertations and documents produced by UNESCO, the Secretariat of the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution and academic books in the last four decades in Iran. It has been compiled and seeks to critique government policy-making in the conventional cultural economy based on the Islamic approach. In short, improving the level of consumption of valuable cultural goods and services in the field of consumption, supporting the valuable labor force, as well as the production of valuable cultural goods and services in the field of production, and finally paying special attention to justice (pre-competition justice and distributive justice). The basic features of government policy-making are in the Islamic approach.

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نشریه اقتصاد و بانکداری اسلامی Islamic Economics and Banking
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