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Showing 10 results for Investment

Hossein Safari Moghadam, Amir Safari Moghadam,
Volume 5, Issue 14 (3-2016)

In Islamic banking because of the nature of the contracts and instruments of communication necessary between the money market and capital than traditional banking. Therefore, the main purpose of expansion of communication paths between the banking system and capital markets within the framework of Islamic economy, while moving away from trading interest, development of new financing instruments, communicate more with each other and to seek financial markets, economic growth in Islamic countries is.The present study using library resources and the Internet, gives attempts to prove the hypothesis that "money and capital markets through mutual funds and construction of fixed assets linked to restore financial stability. The relation between exchange contracts and participation by these funds is explained by the example of the housing market and the risks and advantages and disadvantages will be mentioned. " Paper banking system and the capital market in the context of cross-linking of economy, this results in a fixed rent funds in addition to eliminating the need for fixed assets (housing, land, building, production line), the possibility of taking out bank Gary possible to combine fixed income and variable deposits and the possibility of recycling (returning to economic cycles) facilities provide. The joint venture fund the construction of fixed assets, the provision of the above will contribute to the production cycle and increase economic growth.

Volume 5, Issue 15 (8-2016)

About 70 years have passed since the formulation of the first development plan in Iran, but Iran is still underdeveloped. To date, eleven plans have been formulated and seven plans have been implemented, because thesixth plan was not enacted before the Islamic Revolution, and the ninth government opposed to the fourth post-revolution plan. In this paper, we try to review the national development plans, derive the objectives of the IRI development plans’ laws and their implementation, and compere them to core values and spirit of Islamic economic teachings. This paper uses documentary-library data, comparative descriptive-analytical methodology and content analysis, and provides suggestions at the end of the article.

Volume 6, Issue 19 (7-2017)

Investment deposit, is a kind of the deposits in interest-free banking system in Iran which had been faced the absence of law for a prolonged time. From 1362 (1983) interest-free banking law distributed deposit contracts to al-Qard al-Hasan and term deposits, there were no regulation for Investment deposit contracts except Mudarabah contract in civil law. Although further studies show that deposits were named as “advocacy” term (note of article 3 in the mentioned law); but this contract's description has not been covered by the regulation for advocacy law.

 This study tries to illustrate the legal essence of investment deposits. At first, the specification of investment deposits has been determined, afterward compared them with defined contracts. Finally, in addition to present the legal essence of investment deposits, it offers solutions to adapt these deposits with the current economic condition

Volume 7, Issue 23 (7-2018)

Orthodox economic theories imply investment takes place through interaction of real & nominal sectors of economy. This paradigm is logically confirmed from theatrical point of view. But in real world as long as interest rate is determining in nominal sector and impose to real sector (e.g. for investment demand), has been criticized by Islamic principles as well, especially when economy is deviated from its equilibrium position. This is due to a pillar principle in Islamic economics that believe cost of capital must be determined by capital rate of return in real sector and regardless interest determination in money market. This is the main theme of this study. To do that, we have had a pathological review on investment demand theories in orthodox economics focusing on Iran & global performances.
The results imply that in spite of using interest rate as criterion for cost of capital, some variables such as earning per Equity, P/E Ratio and etc., should be applied that can have better interpretation for rate of return in real sector. Meanwhile for institutionalizing real sector rate of return in Iran some structural reforms and changes are needed
Parvaneh Kamali Dehkordi, Fereshteh Abdollahi, Abdollah Shaian Zeinvand, Abdolkhalegh Ghobeyshavi,
Volume 8, Issue 28 (10-2019)

Today, countries with healthy performance and clear rules and regulations on the business environment are more attractive to investors and can achieve a higher level of foreign investment and economic growth. The present study examines the effect of ease of business indicators on attracting foreign investment and economic growth in eight Islamic countries during the period of 2018-2005 using the econometric method of combined data. The results of this study indicate the positive effect of the indexes of ease of business, corruption control, foreign investment, education, and the negative impact of population on economic growth. Also, the effect of business ease indexes, education , GDP, corruption control  on foreign investment  are positive   but  economic growth and population have negative impact.
Mohammadtaghi Kabiri, , ,
Volume 9, Issue 33 (2-2021)

Investing in facilities in the emerging and emerging market of our country can have positive effects on financing through banking facilities for small and large companies. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the role of investment in the facilities of companies listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange. The present study is applied in terms of purpose and is based on the design of post-event studies. In this study, 117 companies active and accepted in the Tehran Stock Exchange during the years 1390 to 1397 were examined. The research hypotheses were tested using multiple linear regression with a combined data model. Analyzes showed that investment in bank facilities had a positive effect on all four dependent variables of research, namely facility costs, credit facility size, quality of accounting information based on optional commitment items, and the performance of the company based on the Q-tobin standard.
Abdolhamid Jahangirvand, Mohammad Reza Shurvarzi, Zahra Noori Tupkanloo,
Volume 10, Issue 36 (12-2021)

Performance can be overshadowed by the company's investment, financing, as well as tax incentives such as special economic zone tax exemptions. As tax breaks increase, companies have more access to financing sources and thus can invest more. Finally, with increasing investment and financing, one can expect the company's performance to improve. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to provide a model to explain the role of tax exemption and financing and investment decisions on the performance of investment companies in the Amirabad Special Economic Zone. The research environment was Amirabad Special Economic Zone in Mazandaran province and the research community was the companies operating in the region. In this regard, 101 questionnaires were collected by random sampling method from the managing director or administrative and financial deputy, financial manager, chief accounting officer and expert in charge of revenue and accounting. In this regard, the validity was confirmed based on the formal and content method and the reliability was based on Cronbach's alpha of 0.892 and was confirmed. Data were analyzed using SPSS and SMART PLS software. The results of testing the research hypotheses indicate a positive and significant effect of tax exemptions on financing and investment decisions. Also, financing and investment decisions ultimately lead to increasing the performance of investment companies in the Amirabad Special Economic Zone. In addition, tax exemptions directly (in addition to indirect effects through the mediating role of financing and investment decisions) increase performance. Also, in companies with tax exemptions, the role of financing on performance is not significant. In companies without tax exemption, this effect is significant.
Marzieh Daneshmand Naruei, Mosayeb Pahlavani, Marzieh Esfandyari,
Volume 10, Issue 37 (3-2022)

Islamic banking has attracted much attention in the financial economics literature due to its rapid growth. Islamic banking has emerged as an alternative to the conventional form of banking and has grown rapidly in Muslim and non-Muslim countries over the past three decades. Islamic banks have expanded their bases in more than 60 countries around the world, and Islamic banks are expected to receive a large share of savings in Muslim-majority countries, which play an important role in investing in these countries. Will have. Investment is an important component of macroeconomics and plays an important role in growth and transition from recession. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of interest rates on the investment function in a selection of major countries with Islamic and conventional banking systems during the period 1995-2018 using the data panel method. The results of this study showed that in both groups of the country studied, the effect of per capita income on investment function was positive and significant. According to other results, in the sample Muslim countries, trading and prudent incentives were stronger than the speculative incentive, and it seems that Keynes' theory of investment demand was not necessarily confirmed in the sample Muslim countries studied for the period under review.
Amir Heydari Rad, Abdul Majeed Ahangary, Hamid Asayesh,
Volume 10, Issue 37 (3-2022)

Free zones in today's competitive competitive economy are the lifeblood of countries that have these strategic zones. Investing in these areas due to access to target markets can be very profitable for target countries, which leads to a boom in the production sector and thus the development of employment in these areas and neighboring areas. The purpose of this study is to investigate the role of investment and productivity on employment in Qeshm, Kish and Orand free zones. This study consisted of two hypotheses based on the significant impact of investment variable in free zones on the employment, as well as the significant impact of productivity on the employment. To collect the necessary data to test the research hypotheses, data from a period of 20 years between 1996 and 2016 were used. According to the type of research, the panel data method was used to test the hypotheses. The results showed that the investment variable has a positive and significant effect on the employment rate in free zones. Also, the productivity variable has a positive and significant effect on the employment rate of free zones.
Marziyeh Bagheri, Mostafa Azkia, Meysam Mousai,
Volume 12, Issue 44 (10-2023)

The stock exchange is one of the main pillars of the country's economy, and paying attention to this organization not only brings prosperity to this organization, but also to the growth and development of the national economy, for this reason, the factors that have the ability to influence this organization in some way should be analyzed. Therefore, the present research was conducted with the aim of sociological analysis of socio-economic factors affecting the investment behavior of shareholders in Tehran stock market. This research is considered as an exploratory research from the objective dimension, and from the strategy dimension, it was classified as non-experimental, field and qualitative research. The participating community of this research consists of all the shareholders of Tehran Stock Exchange in 2013-2014, who were selected through purposeful sampling until reaching theoretical saturation. Data were collected using unstructured open interviews and analyzed through the systematic method of Strauss and Corbin. In general, the achievements of the field research include a central category, 4 main categories, 67 sub-categories and 139 concepts. Faced with the stock market and its prevailing conditions, the participants of the round adopted the basic strategy, and the consequences of these strategies are examined. If shareholders invest in the stock market, it will have consequences such as obtaining resources for large businesses, creating a platform for creating medium-sized companies, creating jobs, and reducing liquidity and inflation. Considering the second strategy of investors based on not reinvesting in the stock market, this will cause the fall of the stock market.

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نشریه اقتصاد و بانکداری اسلامی Islamic Economics and Banking
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