1- Master of Economics, Bu Ali Sina University, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, Hamadan, Iran (Corresponding Author) , r.penhani@gmail.com 2- Professor, Bu Ali Sina University, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, Hamadan, Iran 3- Associate Professor, Al-Zahra University, Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences, Hamadan, Iran
Abstract: (2237 Views)
Iran is one of the earthquake-prone countries in the world which has a lot of ethnic and religious diversity. Given the importance of people's donation in helping victims of natural disasters, knowing the impact of factors such as religion and ethnicity on people's donation which is the subject of this article, is very important in post-disaster relief. For this purpose, a field study was conducted including the completion of more than 900 questionnaires in the cities of Qorveh, Takab, Sanandaj and Znjan and the city of Bijar was selected as the hypothetical city where the earthquake occurs. Contingent valuation method and double bounded dichotomous choice questionnaire were used to estimate the willingness to donate. The logit model was used to analyze the results which showed that the effect of religion on people's donations is greater than the effect of ethnicity.
Penhani R, Mehregan N, Kurdbacheh H. The impact of ethnicity and religion on people's donation in the event of natural disasters (Case Study: Bijar City). mieaoi 2021; 10 (35) :125-142 URL: http://mieaoi.ir/article-1-1005-en.html