Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Pardisan Institute of Higher Education, Faridunknar, Iran ,
Abstract: (1687 Views)
The first part of the economic system that was affected by the outbreak of the Corona pandemic was the banking system of countries. Therefore, the aim of this study was to design a social banking model with a post-corona approach in the country's banking industry, which uses a combination of Delphi-fuzzy method and interpretive structural modeling. In this study, the opinions of university professors and managers in the field of banking industry, which included 20 people, were used. For component screening, Delphi-fuzzy method was used, in which the diffused mean of 44 components was more than 0.7, so 44 components were identified in 5 dimensions in this industry. Then, structural-interpretive modeling and MICMAC analysis were used to level the dimensions. The results of ISM showed that the social banking model has four levels, so that the social banking infrastructure is firstly factor (bank entry into social networks for marketing purposes) and then secondly factor (possibility of creating non-bank social financial platforms), third factor (Bank entry into social networks for banking operations) and in the fourth degree are factors (customer service privatization - the use of collective wisdom to create and develop products and services). MICMAC results also showed the dimension (bank entry into social networks for marketing purposes) in the independent cluster and the dimension (using collective wisdom to create and develop products and services) in the link cluster and dimensions (possibility of creating non-bank social financial platforms - bank entry Social networks for banking operations are located in the autonomous cluster and then (customer service privatization) in the dependent cluster. Finally, it can be concluded that although the negative effects of Covid-19 on the banking industry are inevitable, but if there is a solution, it can be a good opportunity to improve the banking system and use more appropriate methods through research in new technologies to attract customers. Innovate in providing complete and diverse products and services with the aim of creating value for customers and improving the performance of banks and creating new opportunities and infrastructure in the banking industry.