1- Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Payame Noor University (Corresponding Author) , s_farhang@pnu.ac.ir 2- PhD student and instructor of Payame Noor University 3- Master of Islamic Economics 4- Master of Theoretical Economics
Abstract: (2841 Views)
Deposits insurance, as an integral part of the set of strategies, plays a preventive role (through prudential supervision) as well as a forward-looking role (by guaranteeing public deposits) in the financial health of countries. The stability of the financial sector has been discussed.
Objective: The main purpose of the present study is to evaluate deposit insurance in the useless banking industry in Iran. Statistical population of Iran and the sample of selected banks include Parsian, Pasargard, Saman, Melli, Sepah and Housing in the period of 1385-1397.
Methodology: The research method is descriptive-applied. Firstly, using the statistical data of the above mentioned banks, the credit risk of the banks is obtained and then using the GARCH model the estimation of the deposit insurance pricing is done.
Findings: The results show that the credit risk of different banks is different and therefore, the pricing of deposit insurance is different for private and public banks, it is suggested that the deposit insurance pricing system In Iran, it be calculated on a yearly basis according to the risk of each bank.
farhang A, Jamali J, Ashja A, Eskandari H. Provide a deposit insurance pricing pattern in the Interest-free banking. mieaoi 2021; 10 (35) :7-30 URL: http://mieaoi.ir/article-1-1052-en.html