1- Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics, Management and Accounting, Yazd University (Corresponding Author) , nmakiyan@yazd.ac.ir 2- Master of Economics, Department of Economics, Yazd University
Abstract: (2868 Views)
Qard-Al-Hasan is one of the most important Islamic banking facilities that can affect employment. In this regard, the present study investigates the effect of Qard-Al-Hasan loan, which is not in the category of echange and partnership mods in Islamic banking system of Iran on employment in Iran’s provinces will be analyzed. In this regard, a Panel Data model has been used for this purpose during 2015-2019. The preparing tests for the estimation of the modle lead the study to use the Feasible Generalized Least Squares method, and the results show that Qard-Al-Hasan loan has a positive and significant effect on employment in Iran’s economy. In addition, results show that Gross Domestic Product, Physical Capital and Labor Productivity have also a positive and significant effect on employment in Iran’s provinces, however, the impact of Gross Domestic Product and Phiscal capital are greater than other variables, indicating that employment in Iran more affected by such variables than other factors.