1- Department of Sociology, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran. 2- Professor, University of Tehran, Tehran. Iran (Responsible author). , mousaaei@ut.ac.ir 3- Department of Sociology, Central Tehran Branch. Islamic Azad university. Tehran. Iran.
Abstract: (2421 Views)
In Iran, cardiovascular diseases rank first in terms of mortality. Cardiovascular disease leads families to fall into the abyss of poverty and worsens the disease. Health policy makers need to be aware of the costs of these diseases in order to make decisions about the optimal allocation of resources.The aim of this study was to estimate the economic burden of cardiovascular diseases in selected hospitals in Mashhad (Javadalameh Heart Hospital). This study was a descriptive, analytical and cross-sectional study. In this study, the economic burden of cardiovascular diseases was estimated by the cost method of the disease and based on the human capital method. Costs of diseases by cost and drugs with a sample of 385 people were obtained by simple random sampling from the hospital records of angiographed patients in Javadalameh Heart Hospital in Mashhad.Data analysis was performed with Spss and Excel software. A total of 385 patients (files) were included in the study, of which 250 (64.9) were male and 135 (35.1) were female. The findings showed that cardiovascular disease imposes a significant economic burden on the Iranian economic system (case study). The total direct medical cost was 98241352823574 Rials for each patient. The average cost of lost time per day for male patients due to cardiovascular disease was estimated at 9333418 Rials and for women 1033239 Rials. Most of the medical costs were related to angioplasty costs (0.47) and the lowest amount was related to drug costs (1.15). The economic burden of cardiovascular diseases was 134996687871956 Rials. Cardiovascular diseases impose huge costs on society. The best way to deal with these diseases and thus reduce costs is to change and correct risky behaviors that make the patient invulnerable.
zanjanian M, Mousaei M, Ghasemi Z. Estimation of the Economic Burden of Cardiovascular Diseases in selected Hospital of Mashhad in 2020 Javadalameh Heart Hospital). mieaoi 2022; 10 (37) : 10 URL: http://mieaoi.ir/article-1-1072-en.html