1- PhD Student in Economic Sociology and Development, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Iran 2- Full Professor of the University of Tehran (Corresponding Author) , mousaaei@ut.ac.ir 3- Professor, Department of Social Sciences, Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran
Abstract: (1949 Views)
Corruption is a Multidimensional problem that cannot be studied in the form of a social, political, economic or even a cultural problem. Throughout human history, there has not been a society or government that has been immune to this phenomenon. Although the founders of the Islamic Republic claimed to be fighting corruption, after more than forty years of the government, there is still evidence of widespread corruption in all areas of society. This study seeks to use the historical method of social, economic and political structures and how to combine them and the impact of these structures on the activities and lives of the Iranian people, which ultimately leads to the formation and continuation of corruption in society. The achievements of this research show:
The government that emerged from the Revolution 57 inherited an unbalanced economic structure. Political tensions and ideological debates after the revolution prevented economic problems such as corruption from being addressed scientifically and continuously. The domination of the government and oil in the Iranian economy after the revolution and the populist policies of unscientific management prevented proper organization in the economic field and the formation of a rentier economic structure. Of course, in a rentier economic structure, it is wrong to talk about a healthy society and free from corruption.
gholizadeh M, Musai M, azkia M. sociological study of irans economic in formation of corruption. mieaoi 2019; 8 (27) :221-243 URL: http://mieaoi.ir/article-1-1089-en.html