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:: Volume 11, Issue 40 (12-2022) ::
mieaoi 2022, 11(40): 267-290 Back to browse issues page
Implementation of a loan plan of 250 million Rials for the purchase of a car and the economic and social conditions of the community after the implementation of the plan
Reza Esmaeel1 , Sasan Vadieh2 , Khalil Mirzaei3
1- Department of Economic Sociology and Development, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran
2- Department of Sociology, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran (corresponding author) , Sas.Vadiea@iaactb.ac.ir
3- Department of Sociology, Islamic Azad University, Roudhan Branch, Tehran, Iran
Abstract:   (923 Views)
The aim of this study was to explain the role of government economic mobility plans on the economic and social conditions of society (support plan for a loan of 250 million rials to buy a car in 1394). The method of the present research is applied research in terms of purpose and descriptive research based on the data collection method. The statistical population of the present study is all citizens over 20 years of age in Mazandaran province who selected 384 people based on Cochranchr('39')s formula and answered the researcher-made questionnaire based on cluster random sampling. Raw data obtained from the questionnaires were analyzed using SPSS23 software and Kiers-Mir-Oaklin and Friedman statistical tests. The results showed that the economic damage of the plan was more than cross-sectional economic changes, the above plan has caused more distrust and hypocrisy in society than it leads to the welfare of society, and finally it was found that dealers, automakers, government and Banks have benefited the most from the scheme, and the people and major borrowers have been the victims of the scheme.
Article number: 11
Keywords: car loan plan, economic conditions, social conditions
Full-Text [PDF 624 kb]   (400 Downloads)    
Article type: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2021/08/23 | Accepted: 2022/02/16 | Published: 2022/12/1
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Esmaeel R, Vadieh S, Mirzaei K. Implementation of a loan plan of 250 million Rials for the purchase of a car and the economic and social conditions of the community after the implementation of the plan. mieaoi 2022; 11 (40) : 11
URL: http://mieaoi.ir/article-1-1104-en.html

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Volume 11, Issue 40 (12-2022) Back to browse issues page
نشریه اقتصاد و بانکداری اسلامی Islamic Economics and Banking
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