1- Ph.D.Student in Business Administration, Faculty of Management, Ajab Shir Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ajab Shir, Iran , mollazadeh7136@gmail.com 2- Assistant Prof., Faculty of Management, Bonab branch, Islamic Azad University, Bonab, Iran 3- Assistant Prof., Faculty of Management, Ajab Shir branch, Islamic Azad University, Ajab Shir, Iran
Abstract: (596 Views)
Identifying the dimensions of prerequisites and consequences of brand revival provides a framework for understanding the competitive situation, which can be used to increase the performance of declining textile industry units in simple cases. One of the goals of this research is to model brand revival in this industry with the foundation data approach. This study is in terms of qualitative method, from the point of view of interpretive paradigm, data collection method is in-depth interview. The statistical population of this research is textile industry activists and experts, which is considered as a partial indicator of more than 5 years of activity in this industry. In order to determine the validity of the research, the retrieval method was used and for its reliability, the percentage agreement method of two codings was used, and the calculated indicators confirm high validity and reliability. The findings showed that industry characteristics, market conditions, environmental factors, and brand-related factors affect brand revival. The characteristics and components of brand revival cause strategies or strategies such as brand reconstruction, changing the psychological position of the brand and management approaches to be considered in the current situation, although the type of these strategies or strategies are influenced by contextual, intervening and causal factors. Finally, a paradigm model with 16 factors based on the foundation's data method was proposed for brand revival, the use of which can improve company and brand performance, reduce currency outflow, increase employment, increase sales and product production, improve organizational financial performance, income. Valuation and development of the industry has been effective and will revive the brand in this declining industry.
Mollazadeh shirehpazi E, Emari H, mosavi S, gharehbiglo H. Modeling performance enhancement in the textile industry through active brand revitalization. mieaoi 2021; 10 (35) : 13 URL: http://mieaoi.ir/article-1-1340-en.html