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:: Volume 12, Issue 44 (10-2023) ::
mieaoi 2023, 12(44): 319-335 Back to browse issues page
Comparative comparison of the development process in developmentalist and rentier governments (South Korea and Iran)
Saeid Hagh Parast1 , Tohid Valipour Atiq2
1- PhD in Political Science (Political Sociology major) , haghparast.saeid55@gmail.com
2- PhD in Political Science (Political Sociology major)
Abstract:   (923 Views)
The ways to achieve the desired economic, social, cultural and political development and growth are considered important. The majority of experts on the development of countries, while emphasizing the role and importance of the government and the policies adopted by the statesmen in the development, are looking for a scientific and logical answer to this important question that the causes and factors of the difference in the different development experiences between the developing countries, despite having Some similarities such as: independence of action of governments and abundant infrastructural resources along with elites with expertise and... We witness different results in their development record! The current research, while comparing the governments of Iran and South Korea since the 1960s, will seek to answer this important question: What are the causes and factors of different experiences of development in rentier and development-oriented governments? The hypothesis of the current research is that in development-oriented governments such as South Korea, efficient and expert bureaucracy and the government's ability to attract the participation of the private sector of society along with strict supervision are considered to be privileged features, which are considered the missing link in rentier governments such as Iran. The present research is descriptive-analytical. As a result, fundamental changes in the path of growth and progress for any society must first originate from a correct strategy in all-round development along with an efficient, independent and meritocratic bureaucracy.

Article number: 13
Keywords: rentier governments, development list governments, sustainable development, Iran, South Korea
Full-Text [PDF 260 kb]   (374 Downloads)    
Article type: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2023/08/9 | Accepted: 2023/10/14 | Published: 2023/10/2
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Hagh Parast S, Valipour Atiq T. Comparative comparison of the development process in developmentalist and rentier governments (South Korea and Iran). mieaoi 2023; 12 (44) : 13
URL: http://mieaoi.ir/article-1-1464-en.html

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Volume 12, Issue 44 (10-2023) Back to browse issues page
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