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:: Volume 13, Issue 48 (8-2024) ::
mieaoi 2024, 13(48): 355-374 Back to browse issues page
The Role of Desired Governance in Confronting with Sanctions and Economic War Against the Islamic Republic of Iran
Mehdi Kazemi1 , Mohammad Yousefi Joybari2 , Ehsan Shakri Khoei3
1- PhD student in political science - public policy making, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz branch, Tabriz, Iran
2- Associate professor, Department of Political Science and International Relations, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz Branch, Tabriz, Iran , yousefijouybari@iaut.ac.ir
3- Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science and International Relations, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz Branch, Tabriz, Iran.
Abstract:   (610 Views)
Sanctions are one of the tools and mechanisms used by governments for protecting national interests and confining the power of other governments. After establishment of the Islamic Republic of Iran, this country has always faced a broad range of sanctions from the great world powers. This research tries to evaluate and analyze the role of desired governance in dealing with sanctions and campaign of economic war against the Islamic Republic of Iran. The main question of this research is that "How is the role of desired governance in confronting with sanctions and economic war against the Islamic Republic of Iran analyzed and evaluated?" The answer to this question is that according to the transformational approach in favorable governance, the role of favorable governance in confronting with sanctions and economic war against the Islamic Republic of Iran can be evaluated and analyzed. The findings showed that considering the weak results of the Iran development strategy in the past years, application of a transformational approach in governance in order to confine the economic power of political institutions, improve transparency and accountability and create context for the formation of a powerful civil society are essential. This research investigates the role of desired governance in confronting with sanctions and economic war with descriptive and analytical method using of library, documentary resources and books and articles.
Article number: 14
Keywords: resistance economy, sanctions, development, government, Iran, desired governance
Full-Text [PDF 382 kb]   (240 Downloads)    
Article type: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2023/10/4 | Accepted: 2024/01/16 | Published: 2024/08/31
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Kazemi M, Yousefi Joybari M, Shakri Khoei E. The Role of Desired Governance in Confronting with Sanctions and Economic War Against the Islamic Republic of Iran. mieaoi 2024; 13 (48) : 14
URL: http://mieaoi.ir/article-1-1475-en.html

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Volume 13, Issue 48 (8-2024) Back to browse issues page
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