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:: Volume 9, Issue 33 (2-2021) ::
mieaoi 2021, 9(33): 265-288 Back to browse issues page
Investigationg the effects of economic diplomacy on the border security of Iran and Türkiye
Mahdi Najafi1 , Jalil Nayebian2 , Parviz Ahadi3 , Mohammad Yousefi Joybari4
1- Doctoral student
2- Associate Professor , jnayebian@gmail.com
3- Assistant Professor
4- Associate Professor
Abstract:   (672 Views)
Security is actually an effort to confront and resist external threats and eliminate and reduce internal damage and create suitable and favorable conditions for the fertilization of individual capabilities and talents, providing ideals, goals and desirable values of human society and improving quality. And it is the level of human life, and the border reflects the territory of political sovereignty of a government, and according to certain rules, against human movement, transfer of goods, work aristocracy. Security and the need to create it is one of the many principles that have been emphasized in all societies and schools. In fact, today, due to the spatial nature of the relations between the governments and the national survival of the governments, the influence of the type of political environment that dominates the peripheral, regional and global environment is mostly security-oriented. At the same time, they play a role in international relations. This multiplicity and many international factors and actors cause the complexity of international relations. And the international system, unlike the domestic society, lacks central government and authority. The lack of government and central authority means that in international politics there is no hierarchical order and regulator to regulate relations between countries, which theories and analysts consider international politics to be full of conflict and war, where there is no place for cooperation. It is not the convergence and functioning of international regimes, especially they have made cooperation between national units and countries impossible or at least very difficult, but regional convergence implies the existence and creation of regional structures, institutions and arrangements. It is intergovernmental or supranational. which coordinate the behavior and policies of the member countries in different subject areas and regional convergence can be examined in economic, political, security, cultural and social issues.

Article number: 11
Keywords: border, security, international actors, regional convergence, diplomacy, foreign policy, Iran, Turkey
Full-Text [PDF 445 kb]   (218 Downloads)    
Article type: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2020/09/26 | Accepted: 2021/02/15 | Published: 2021/02/28
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Najafi M, nayebian J, Ahadi P, Yousefi Joybari M. Investigationg the effects of economic diplomacy on the border security of Iran and Türkiye. mieaoi 2021; 9 (33) : 11
URL: http://mieaoi.ir/article-1-1531-en.html

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Volume 9, Issue 33 (2-2021) Back to browse issues page
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