Today, one of the important sources that countries use to fund their annual budgets is by borrowing from foreign banks. Although based on common law legal systems usurious borrowing is not prohibited, in Islamic countries, which follow Islamic law, such a borrowing is forbidden. However, Considering the critical role of borrowing in providing governments revenue sources, one of the solutions in this case is borrowing with the intention of not paying interest. Therefore, a significant question that arises, is regarding the legitimacy of such a borrowing. This research, conducted through a descriptive-analytical approach and examining both jurisprudential reasons and the viewpoints of jurists, concludes that such a borrowing, is free from error based on the initial ruling. However, even if the issue is not accepted based on the initial ruling, the legitimacy of such borrowing can still be proved under secondary ruling, based on titles such as emergency situations, hardship and the expediency of the Islamic framework. |