1- Master's degree, Tarbiat Modares University 2- Associate Professor, Tarbiat Modares University , sahabi_b@modares.ac.ir 3- Associate Professor, Tarbiat Modares University
Abstract: (154 Views)
Appropriate financing of the health sector, in addition to increasing the health level of the society, leads to more optimal use of the resources and can save them in this very large sector. The purpose of this research is to explore the methods of financing that lead to higher effectiveness in order to improve the level of health status and more optimal health expenditures.
In this research, after developing and extracting a new and suite model, the time series data of Iran's economy for the years 2001 to 2021 have been applied. Three main indicators of life expectancy at birth, crude mortality rate and infant mortality rate are used as the health status indicators. The results indicate that while the level of household out-of-pocket expenses is in a catastrophic state, financing through direct payments has the least effective and sometimes harmful effects on the health status, while financing through health insurance has the most effectiveness. Health financing through increasing in government health expenditures can be considered as the second priority for the health financing.
Moradi Shaybani M, Sahabi B, Faraji Dizaji S. Analysis of the Efectiveness of the Financial Structure of the Health System from the Perspective of Resources in Iran. mieaoi 2026; 14 (50) : 9 URL: http://mieaoi.ir/article-1-1653-en.html