Economic ethics in teachings and practices of Islamic state: a review of related activities in Iran with an emphasis on corruption
Abstract: (9132 Views) |
Abstract Corruption undermines the confidence of investors, creates uncertainty and higher cost in production, and ruins the confidence among government, society and producers. The decreasing investment due to corruption hinders economic progress and causes social problems. Iran's economy in the pre- and post-revolution era has experienced corruption, and all individuals responsible for it is often linked with authority in the country even though this linkage cannot merely be a necessary and sufficient condition for this phenomenon. According to the religious leaders, if corruption dominates the society, the unity of community, which strengthen religious government, will disappears, and social and personal ethics and trust will fade, and social conflict will be created. Islam fights against corruption and forces people, society and the Islamic government to combat it. However, Iran ranks among the top 18 countries in terms of Corruption Perception Index (CPI) ranking by Transparency International. This paper uses library and documentary data, employs descriptive-analytical method , and indicates that corruption, besides the economy, influences other social, cultural and political areas. In the end paper, suggestions are provided. |
Keywords: Crime, Corruption, Rent-seeking, Embezzlement, Bribery, Islamic teachings, the Islamic State practice. |
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Article type: Research |
General Received: 2015/11/30 | Accepted: 2015/11/30 | Published: 2015/11/30
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