1- Associate Professor of Economics, Tarbiat Modares University (Corresponding Author) , mozayani@modares.ac.ir 2- M.A. Student of Economics, University of Tehran
Abstract: (113 Views)
Financial inclusion is a concept that denotes universal access to quality, economical, and efficient financial services. In the past decade, the development of financial inclusion has been recognized and emphasized by countries as a conduit for achieving development accompanied by economic justice. In this context, this article examines the importance of developing financial inclusion as a strategy for enhancing economic justice in Iran. Specifically, methods such as microfinancing and supply chain finance that can improve public access to financial services and create equal economic opportunities are explored. Furthermore, the paper attempts to present a picture of the state of financial inclusion in Iran using selected indicators such as loan facilities, insurance penetration, and access to electronic payment tools. Despite the progress made, challenges still exist in the realm of financial inclusion that require effective policy-making. The capabilities of developing financial inclusion in promoting economic justice are also outlined, with results indicating that the development of financial inclusion in Iran is not only an economic necessity but also a social imperative that can help establish economic justice with an emphasis on Islamic concerns.
Mozayani A, Jabbari F. Financial Inclusion Development, a Platform for Promoting Economic Justice in Iran. mieaoi 2026; 14 (50) : 7 URL: http://mieaoi.ir/article-1-1789-en.html