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:: Volume 14, Issue 50 (3-2026) ::
mieaoi 2026, 14(50): 471-502 Back to browse issues page
Assessing the impact of financial innovation on the performance of financial institutions and organizations based on fuzzy approaches
Kave Nouri , Safyar Amini1 , Omid Mahmoudi Khoshro
1- , aminisafyar@gmail.com
Abstract:   (182 Views)

This study aims to evaluate the impact of financial innovation on the performance of financial institutions. Employing a mixed-methods research design, the qualitative component involved semi-structured in-depth interviews with academic experts and accounting professionals. Based on a grounded theory approach, a financial innovation model was developed across six levels. In the quantitative phase, categories derived from the interviews were used to design questionnaires distributed to 12 experts, assessing the impact and ranking of these categories from their perspectives. Two prioritization methods, fuzzy TOPSIS and the fuzzy ELECTRE method, were utilized, followed by sensitivity analysis to evaluate the significance of the identified components. Given the challenges of incomplete knowledge and data inaccuracies, various ranking methods with index and preference thresholds were considered, highlighting the importance of ELECTRE and its derivatives in the ranking process. The fuzzy ranking approach was employed in this study to mitigate issues related to mismeasurement

Article number: 19
Keywords: Financial innovation, Financial institution performance, Fuzzy TOPSIS, Fuzzy ELECTRE, Sensitivity analysis
Full-Text [PDF 1570 kb]   (23 Downloads)    
Article type: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2025/01/18 | Accepted: 2025/03/15 | Published: 2025/02/28
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Nouri K, Amini S, Mahmoudi Khoshro O. Assessing the impact of financial innovation on the performance of financial institutions and organizations based on fuzzy approaches. mieaoi 2026; 14 (50) : 19
URL: http://mieaoi.ir/article-1-1809-en.html

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Volume 14, Issue 50 (3-2026) Back to browse issues page
نشریه اقتصاد و بانکداری اسلامی Islamic Economics and Banking
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