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:: Volume 3, Issue 7 (9-2014) ::
mieaoi 2014, 3(7): 65-84 Back to browse issues page
Work Ethics in Islamic Economics and the Performance of Islamic Republic of Iran
Abstract:   (7485 Views)


People with different beliefs, in turn, could affect economic variables the effect is trough doing an activity that people are offered in the community. Since always from the perspective of Islam and Western economists Ethical Treatment is recommended. It seems that people with a detailed understanding of their religious taught and moral norms do not work against public interests. Governments, along with a number of measures to facilitate and promote such activities can be a precursor to adhere these principles. Thus in Islamic society which achieving human happiness and perfection is the target, people should abide by ethical standards recommended in the verses and traditions and does their work in the community as their duty. In this regard, the responsibility of governments in each country is that to provide the bed and the necessary structures to achieve these goals.

In this study we try to investigate the importance of work and efforts along with Islamic ethics and appraise the government performance to provide a platform for ethical measures and the welfare of the people that should be realized. In this regard, by using library method and descriptive analysis, the moral activities of the Islamic Republic of Iran government in the executive Customs agencies has been analyzed. Referring to some activities, analysis of variance has been done on the implementation of World ASYCUDA project (87-91) - This project aims to accelerate the export, import and transit of goods in the country and thus increase revenue and provide satisfactory service to the community.

With calculations and studies, Results indicate that the execution of the project in some country’s customs agencies has a significant effect on the average efficiency of export, import and transit to the destination countries.

Keywords: Islamic ethics, Work, Government, Customs, World ASYCUDA project
Full-Text [PDF 181 kb]   (1263 Downloads)    
Article type: Research | Subject: General
Received: 2016/01/5 | Accepted: 2016/01/5 | Published: 2016/01/5
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Work Ethics in Islamic Economics and the Performance of Islamic Republic of Iran. mieaoi 2014; 3 (7) :65-84
URL: http://mieaoi.ir/article-1-202-en.html

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Volume 3, Issue 7 (9-2014) Back to browse issues page
نشریه اقتصاد و بانکداری اسلامی Islamic Economics and Banking
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