In development countries, many of the capital based and infrastructuralprojects financing from stock market. In the other words, private financial resources throughfinancial marketsin different ways, are invested in infrastructure.
Amongthese methodscan be mentioned service of development banks, creatingspecializedbanks orfundsand bonds.
theIslamic Development Bank Group as aninternational bank,usingdifferent methods offinancingcompliance with the principles ofIslamic Sharia, has contributed to financing of importantsocial and economicprojects, especially infrastructure projects. In this paper, has studied the pattern offinancingfromtheIslamic Development Bank Group to present theimplementationstrategyfor the development ofinfrastructurein the country, in order toachieve the objectives ofthe economic, politicaland social development. Some of thesesolutionscan becitedmore aware oftheactivities ofthe Islamic Development Bankbyfinancial institutionsandbanks,financing ofnewtools and methods, utilizingspecialized knowledgeof Islamic finance, capacity buildinginexecutivesuitableforuseoffacilitiesIslamic Development Bankfor thedevelopment of the countryandinfrastructure development.