The aim of this paper is reviewing the priority of Islamic contracts from the banking experts’ point of view. For this reason to simplicity four common contracts (Jo’aalah, installment sales, hire-purchase, and participation) is reviewing in this research. Statistical population in this research is one of the Iranian bank in capital city, Tehran. Due to this fact that there were two experts in each branch (manager and credits responsible), all the experts of statistical population were questioned in addition we referred to two relevant staff authorities of the bank. Overall 22 experts answered the questionnaire. Due to the nature of this research to prioritize Islamic contracts, multi-Attribute decision making model was used. Considered criteria were found throughout reviewing research and experts comments. Based on Delphi model. the relative importance of the criteria were determined by banking experts for calculating the criteria, multi-criteria decision making model, Entropie Shannon, were used. The results of this model show that criteria such as working capitals, projects type, the amount of lending ago, Net present value, time to repay loans, the amount of liquidity , have gotten the greatest weight among all criteria. In the end to prioritize the contracts, Ftopsis method were used.According to this, ranking experts preferred below sequence: participation contract, hire- purchase, installment sales and Jo’aalah. It is obvious that this sequence would be changed with the change in economic conditions, regulation related to contracts and change in banking interest rate.