This study was conducted to investigate a model for design roadmap and strategic plan of Islamic banking. The main difference between Islamic banking and conventional banking is that the adoption of time for allocation of profit, operating profit for the allocation of the value added. Despite the theoretical and practical actions in the field of Islamic banking, but without discussion about challenges of the current system of banking with a strategic approach, cannot be created a improvement in the banking system, so having a road map requires any fundamental change in banking system.
This study was conducted with descriptive-review. First, theoretical study of the theory and practice of Islamic banking in Iran and leading countries, the basic framework is designed to develop a road map and strategy of Islamic banking. Then, focus groups with experts (with the participation of academic and Religious scholars experts) in the center of Islamic Banking Studies in Day Bank, discussed the draft roadmap and methodology of each of the stages.
With using the framework proposed in this study, banks and financial and credit institutions can be design their road map and strategies for Islamic banking in three main areas including research, education, and action |