In recent years outsourcing strategy has become a necessity for organizations. Advantages of outsourcing like reduce costs, focus on core competencies, usage of external expertise to increase efficiency and effectiveness, removal of problematic issues to manage, share risk with suppliers helps organizations in dynamic and competitive environment. Research shows that banks, like other organizations benefit from outsourcing and by focusing more on their core business, achieve greater efficiency and productivity. Literature study shows that information technology (IT) is one of the most services that banks use their outsourcing strategy and human resources outsourcing, collect receivables outsourcing and evaluate projects outsourcing in a limited way is observed. In this paper, we discuss that outsourcing (as one of the managerial tools) can be effective in reducing some of the challenges of Islamic banking. The operational supervision outsourcing and research and development outsourcing with regard to the feasibility of outsourcing research and models and infrastructure in the country is recommended. In this way, Banks benefit more from the expertise of suppliers. Obviously more research in this area may identify more feasible outsourcing activities. |