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:: Volume 5, Issue 17 (2-2017) ::
mieaoi 2017, 5(17): 97-122 Back to browse issues page
Evaluation of the Fifth Development Plan from the perspective of Islamic economics
Abstract:   (6120 Views)

This paper surveys the Fifth Development Plan Act as a case study on post-revolutionary development plan that have been ratified during the 20-year Perspective Document of Islamic Republic of Iran.

With respect to the progressive justice-oriented approach of Iranian-Islamic patterns in all economic, cultural, social, and political aspects, whether lawmaking process of the Fifth Development Plan have been based upon the Islamic values or not. Is its legislative process have been complied with goals of the Islamic government?

It can be drawn inference from the data that 61 goals have been considered in the fifth development plan as well as a wide range of policies and measures have been taken in order to achieve these goals.

It is noteworthy that governments have been mostly addressed to implement provisions of the fifth development plan Act as well as they have merely played major roles in governance. But in this regard, ultimate and distinctive goal of Islamic government is realization of the right to development of individuals that particularly in economic area, following goals such as justice, security and welfare-oriented objectives are feasible. 

Although the necessity of having considerable expertise in implementing the fifth development plan is inevitably underscored, the findings indicate that economic objectives of the fifth development plan are partly consistent with the Islamic government’s goals.

Also the existence of certain problems such as multiplicity of goals as well as lack of integrated objectives, lack of period, generalization, interpretable objectives, failure to provide supporting documents, lack of expert analyses about how to set goals and an explicit system of incentives and disincentives waver over implementing the plan.

Keywords: Islamic government, goals of the Islamic government, the fifth development plan, objectives of the fifth development plan, Islamic fifth development plan
Full-Text [PDF 257 kb]   (1225 Downloads)    
Article type: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2017/02/28 | Accepted: 2017/02/28 | Published: 2017/02/28
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Evaluation of the Fifth Development Plan from the perspective of Islamic economics . mieaoi 2017; 5 (17) :97-122
URL: http://mieaoi.ir/article-1-423-en.html

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