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:: Volume 6, Issue 18 (5-2017) ::
mieaoi 2017, 6(18): 213-246 Back to browse issues page
Auditing For Economics in Iran
Abstract:   (6938 Views)

Economics is one of the main branches of social sciences. this branch was introduced as "political economy", but, now, the Economics is known as  an independent discipline.

In Iran, same as the world, economics has been developed since 1346 with the founding of Faculty of Economics, in University of Tehran.

At the moment, economics has seven fields in Iran: theatrical economics, commercial economics money and banking, Islamic economics, Energy economics, agricultural economics in BA and a lot of fields in MA. And PhD.

In this study we assess economics in Iran. The Indicators used in this project attracted and gathered and classified through the data about the economics (structural, functional), including books, papers, research projects, and scientific research.

 The data were gathered via internet and recourseing to the economic researchers and related universities and Statistical Center of Iran. The period of the evaluation for books and thesis is from 1357 until the end of 1391. Secondly, using a questionnaire prepared by the comments field of the SWOT researchers, scholars and experts in this field was investigated and the results analyzed by SPSS statistical software.

 The results show that this field will be important in the near future but now has not the optimal parameters and the basic steps for achieving better indicators is to reform economics so it can solve problems of Iranian economy.

To achieve this goal, we have to introduce a unified teaching and learning process along with the inculcation of moral and spiritual values through Integration, Islamization, Internationalization and Comprehensive Excellence.  


Keywords: economics, economic systems, theatrical economics, commercial economics, money and banking, Islamic economics
Full-Text [PDF 247 kb]   (942 Downloads)    
Article type: Research | Subject: General
Received: 2017/05/27 | Accepted: 2017/05/27 | Published: 2017/05/27
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Auditing For Economics in Iran. mieaoi 2017; 6 (18) :213-246
URL: http://mieaoi.ir/article-1-459-en.html

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Volume 6, Issue 18 (5-2017) Back to browse issues page
نشریه اقتصاد و بانکداری اسلامی Islamic Economics and Banking
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