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:: Volume 5, Issue 16 (11-2016) ::
mieaoi 2016, 5(16): 231-256 Back to browse issues page
Evaluating the healtheconomics and social health in Iran
Abstract:   (5490 Views)
The health economics is study the methods of using and applying in areas related to health and health care. In terms of nature, this area has remarkable differences with other areas, and economists are particularly interested in health care for various reasons: first, the resources available for health care are limited and similar In other cases, the demand for health services is more than supply; otherwise, limitation and scarcity simply can not be eliminated by increasing health costs, because the importance of opportunity costs is neglected and, in many circumstances, our standard for Allocating goods and services in the health sector, not desire, desire or ability to pay, but also need. Therefore, we need a set of economic techniques for analyzing and evaluating the health care market. The purpose of this article is to review this field with emphasis on social health. Indicators used in this project are among the data related to the field of economics of health (structural, functional) including books, theses, reports of research projects, and scientific-research papers from the universities that have studied health economics that in them, extracted, collected and categorized. The overseas health economics has different trends, such as health policy, health insurance economics, health technology assessment and long-term records. But in Iran, he has been admitted to the Faculty of Management and Information Management of Iran University of Medical Sciences for about 10 years at a Masters level. Currently, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Shahed University, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences and Kerman University of Medical Sciences, are admitted to this stage. Also, a PHD of this field from the past three years at Tehran University of Medical Sciences and the Economic Research Institute of Tarbiat Modarres University is presented
Keywords: sdfcvgbhjnmkl, .
Full-Text [PDF 267 kb]   (2500 Downloads)    
Article type: Research | Subject: General
Received: 2019/01/19 | Accepted: 2019/01/19 | Published: 2019/01/19
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Evaluating the healtheconomics and social health in Iran . mieaoi 2016; 5 (16) :231-256
URL: http://mieaoi.ir/article-1-755-en.html

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