banking based on exchange contracts is one of types of Islamic banking. This banking can considers the Sharia’s constraint and can do function of conventional banking. However, this banking has many challenges in practice. In this article pay attention to those challenges and try to solve in a new way. Type of article is explorational and explain that we can use another institution instead of the banking baesd on exchange contracts. For this purpose, we use fixed income fund for macro financing and leasing companies for micro financing. .Conclusion of the article is that we can use the institution that similar in functions likes fixed income fund and leasing companies. Using financial institutions can improve competitiveness in financial and economic elements in financial sustems and more trying to compliance in Sharia’ constraints.
challenges of banking based on exchange contracts, and presenting the complementary institutional madel for utilizing the exchange contracts in financial system’. mieaoi 2019; 7 (25) :211-220 URL: