1- Assistant Professor of Management, Islamic Azad University, Mobarakeh Branch (Corresponding Author) 2- Master of Business Administration, Islamic Azad University, Dolatabad Branch , moh.msh49@gmail.com
Abstract: (4159 Views)
This study aimed to investigate the impact of customer's engagement by social Network on client stickiness among Isfahan Saderat bank's customers carrying out a descriptive-correlational type research whose statistical population consisted of all customers who are members of instagram page and customers' gym of Isfahan Saderat bank and 385 members were selected as sample and sampling was done by simple random sampling procedure and they were investigated using the questionnaire which was derived from Zhang et al. (2017). Findings of the study showed that consciously participation does not have any impact on operational value, but it has a positive impact on enjoyment value and social value. Customer’s eagerness has a positive impact on operational value, enjoyment value and social interaction. Social interaction has a positive impact on operational value but it does not have any impact on enjoyment value and social value. Consciously engagement, customer’s eagerness, operational value, enjoyment value and social value have a positive impact on customer’s stickiness. But social interaction does not have any effect on customer‘s stickiness. Customer’s stickiness has a positive impact on oral advertisement in Saderat bank. Operational value in effectiveness of consciously engagement does not have an intervening role on Customer stickiness, but it has an intervening role in effectiveness of customer eagerness and social interaction on client eagerness. The intervening role of enjoyment value in the effectiveness of consciously engagement, client eagerness and social interaction on Customer stickiness is meaningful. The intervening role of social value in the effectiveness of social interaction on Customer stickiness is not meaningful but it is meaningful in the effectiveness of consciously participation and customer eagerness on Customer stickiness.
Mashhadizadeh M, Saedi B. Investigation of Relationship between Customer Engagement, value co-creation value & Customer Stickiness to Social Networks in the Banking. mieaoi 2020; 9 (32) :147-173 URL: http://mieaoi.ir/article-1-864-en.html