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:: Volume 8, Issue 29 (1-2020) ::
mieaoi 2020, 8(29): 33-60 Back to browse issues page
Explaining the necessity of producing process of economics appropriate to the Muslim community and explaining the role of Scientific capital of Hawza and university in it
Vahid Arshadi
Assistant Professor Institute of Islamic Studies in the Humanities of Mashhad Ferdowsi
Abstract:   (3571 Views)

After the publication of the valuable book " Our Economy", the work of Martyr Seyyed Mohammad Baqir Sadr (RA) have been identified Islamic School of Economics Capabilities Against other important schools of capitalism and socialism. The plot of the opinion of this religious thinker, Muslim economists interested in religious science to move towards the production of Islamic economics But during this era, what feels like Scientific publications published in the field of study in the form of research papers and promotional articles and academic and semantic books Has not been able to create effective demand in the Muslim community And this question still exists in the minds of a considerable part of the scientific community, leaders and Muslim people about the existence or absence of the principle of Islamic economics Which indicates the presence of loops in this direction. This article has been tried Using this descriptive-analytical method, this issue is explained by the interests of Islamic economics It should not only be achieved in the production of the literature of economics (Islamic) But by considering a process to solve the economic problems of the Muslim community And the role of human capital capacity in the field and the university in this process is designed in a way Which would lead to the usability of the Islamic economics literature in the administration of the Muslim community So that in the various economic sectors of society, an effective demand is sought for the findings of Islamic economics. At the end of the article, the pattern of production of economics in the Muslim community will be presented in the context of non-secular governments and the status of scientific capital.

Keywords: Islamic economics, economics proportional to Muslim society, methodology, scientific capital
Full-Text [PDF 275 kb]   (698 Downloads)    
Article type: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2019/09/25 | Accepted: 2020/01/4 | Published: 2020/01/15
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Arshadi V. Explaining the necessity of producing process of economics appropriate to the Muslim community and explaining the role of Scientific capital of Hawza and university in it. mieaoi 2020; 8 (29) :33-60
URL: http://mieaoi.ir/article-1-892-en.html

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Volume 8, Issue 29 (1-2020) Back to browse issues page
نشریه اقتصاد و بانکداری اسلامی Islamic Economics and Banking
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