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:: Volume 8, Issue 29 (1-2020) ::
mieaoi 2020, 8(29): 265-284 Back to browse issues page
Position, Etiquette and Effects of charity according to the Quran
Ahmad Arabshahi
Assistant Professor, Department of Public Administration, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran
Abstract:   (3784 Views)
The purpose of this paper is to examine the dimensions of charity in the Holy Quran. The meaning of charity and the extent of the charity were studied. Several studies conducted in recent years about the charity were briefly discussed. The dimensions of charity, according to the Quran, in four dimensions: Importance of charity in the Holy Quran; Quran metaphors about charity; Conditions of Charity according to Holy Quran; effects of charity of the Quran have been studied. In different verses of the Holy Quran charity is emphasized. In the Quran, the charity has been likened to different things. The charity is like a grain of corn that sprouts seven ears, in every ear a hundred grains. There are several points about conditions of charity in the Holy Quran ("do not annul your charitable giving with reproach and hurt", "spend of the good you have earned and of that which We have brought out of the earth for you" and "Whatever good you spend is for yourselves, provided that you give it desiring the Face of Allah"). There are different effects for spend in Allah's way that have been mentioned in the Holy Quran ("whatever good you spend shall be repaid to you in full, you shall not be harmed", " Those who spend their wealth by day and by night, in private and in public, their wage is with their Lord, and no fear shall be on them, neither shall they sorrow " and " Indeed, those who give in charity, be they men or women, and those who lend a good loan to Allah, shall be repaid in multiples. They shall receive a generous wage").
Keywords: aliment, charity, forgiveness, Islam
Full-Text [PDF 561 kb]   (2931 Downloads)    
Article type: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2017/07/6 | Accepted: 2020/01/4 | Published: 2020/02/1
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Arabshahi A. Position, Etiquette and Effects of charity according to the Quran. mieaoi 2020; 8 (29) :265-284
URL: http://mieaoi.ir/article-1-907-en.html

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