Assistant Professor of Field and University Research ,
Abstract: (2217 Views)
Promoting the level of faith and practice of Islamic rules and institutionalizing Islamic ethics is one of the most basic guidelines of Islamic policies to improve ethical decisions in business. Relying on revelatory teachings and focusing on ethics in business, Islam has provided the grounds for strengthening piety and internalizing religiosity and promoting moral decisions in businesses. Strengthening the faith and divine piety in individuals can pave the way for the emergence of ethical decisions in business and lead people to honesty, trustworthiness, fulfillment of promises and observance of fairness, avoidance of fuss in business. The results of this descriptive-analytic study indicate that piety improves ethical decision-making in business (sensitivity, judgment, inclination, and ethical behavior). And facilitates the timely and reliable flow of economic, social and political information between the parties to the exchange. In the Islamic business environment, due to the penetration of piety in all four stages of moral decision-making, we face not only honesty in speech, but also in its broadest sense, which includes sincerity in intention and behavior.
kazemi najafabadi M. The effect of piety on ethical decision-making in business from the perspective of Islamic economics. mieaoi 2021; 10 (35) :101-124 URL: