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:: Volume 8, Issue 26 (3-2019) ::
mieaoi 2019, 8(26): 259-282 Back to browse issues page
The Role of Social Factors Affecting Tourism Development (Case study: Hamadan)
Razieh Lotfi Aghel1 , Maysam Musai2 , Mansour Vosooghi3
1- PhD student in Economic Sociology and Development
2- Professor, University of Tehran , mousaaei@ut.ac.ir
3- Professor, University of Tehran
Abstract:   (2928 Views)
Tourism as the most diverse and largest industry in the world is the most important source of income and job creation for many countries in the world. Given the importance that tourism has for today's societies, knowing the factors affecting it and its comprehensive and profound look can be effective in changing attitudes as well as future policies. Among the influential factors, social factors are always one of the most important and hidden causes of economic growth in a structure that developing countries do not pay much attention to. In this research, with a new attitude and in the form of sociological paradigm, the social factors (superstructures) affecting the development of tourism from the viewpoint of tourists in the city of Hamedan are discussed.
Knowing the effective social factors from the viewpoint of tourists can be effective in changing the tourism policies of Hamadan city as well as paying attention to social priorities in the field of tourism.
Social factors affecting tourism development can be categorized in two forms of suppressive indicators and infrastructure indicators. Each of these factors can be directly or indirectly influenced by tourism development. The underlying factors are the same material and infrastructure facilities in the city of Hamedan and the purpose of the suppressive factors is immaterial and intangible aspects. Availability of necessary infrastructure, transportation, amenities and services, cultural ecology and traditional architecture, cultural and historical attractions, including infrastructure and information indicators, popular participation rate, tourist satisfaction, advertising, policy making and management, and feeling The security of tourists, the way of dealing with the host society, is one of the suppressive factors that can have a direct and effective role in the development of tourism in Hamadan province. With the distinction between superstructural and infrastructural aspects, in the present article, through a survey study, we have investigated the supportive aspects of social factors affecting tourism development in Hamedan.
The present study suggests that the extent of satisfaction of tourists as a dependent variable affecting the development of tourism, to what extent the superstructure indicators in Hamedan are and what variables depend Materials and Methods.
The findings of the present study are obtained through a quantitative and analytical survey method. The statistical population of the study consisted of all tourists visiting recreational places in Hamedan. Due to the lack of access to the sampling framework, the available sampling method has been used. 384 people were selected as samples. The data collection was done by using a researcher-made questionnaire. Measured by Likert spectrum. The viewpoints of tourists are measured by indicators such as quality and persuasion, feeling of security, quality of treatment, the level of hosts interaction and attraction and satisfaction.
Keywords: Hamadan, tourism, sense of security, participation.
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Article type: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2019/04/7 | Accepted: 2019/06/16 | Published: 2019/06/20
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Lotfi Aghel R, Musai M, Vosooghi M. The Role of Social Factors Affecting Tourism Development (Case study: Hamadan). mieaoi 2019; 8 (26) :259-282
URL: http://mieaoi.ir/article-1-1035-en.html

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Volume 8, Issue 26 (3-2019) Back to browse issues page
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