1- Assistant Professor Department of Islamic Azad University of Firuzkooh Branch, Tehran. Iran. 2- Payame Noor University, Higher Education Center, Tehran (corresponding author). , h.akbari@student.pnu.ac.ir
Abstract: (1759 Views)
Today, the survival of organizations without a customer is considered impossible and the customer is known as the philosophy of the organization. Accordingly, the necessity to pay attention to the wants and needs of this key element and to identify the factors that cause customer satisfaction is not hidden from nobody. Hence, customer orientation has become one of the biggest organizational concerns today. Therefore, the present study seeks to find prominent dimensions that affect customer satisfaction and after searching for these factors, examines the impact of each of them and ranks these key dimensions based on their importance. The number of samples in this study is estimated 322 according to Morgan's formula. In this study, at the statistics section, a questionnaire was used to collect data and the Wilcoxon test was used to analyze the data. In addition, Friedman test was used to rank the factors affecting customer satisfaction. The results obtained from the hypothesis test confirm all five research hypotheses. This means that tangible factors affect customer satisfaction with the quality of services in Tehran Housing Bank, the empathy between bank employees and customers affects customer satisfaction with service quality, the bank's guarantee affects customer satisfaction with the quality of services in Tehran Housing Bank. It is effective, the bank's responsibility affects the customers' satisfaction with the quality of services in Maskan Bank, the physical and appearance dimensions have a positive effect on the customers' satisfaction with the service quality of Maskan Bank in Tehran. Also, the results indicate the need to pay more attention to tangible factors in Maskan Bank and the strength of this bank in gaining public trust.
Javan Amani V, Akbari H. The Effect of Quality of Banking Services on Customer Satisfaction using SERVQUAL Model (Case study: Maskan Bank Branches in Tehran). mieaoi 2022; 11 (40) : 2 URL: http://mieaoi.ir/article-1-1128-en.html