Professor, University of Tehran ,
Abstract: (1209 Views)
In the twentieth century, cooperatives came to the attention of social scientists and politicians for two reasons: first, as an alternative mechanism to the capitalist system, and second, as a refining mechanism for the capitalist system. In the first place, the presumed social thinkers of the capitalist system were considered illegitimate because they were based on the predominance of the values produced by the labor force. In this position, the alternative that was introduced to this system was the "cooperative system".In the second place, the principle of the capitalist system was not denied, but for various reasons they had to give a complementary role to the cooperatives in practice. In this position, the main effort was to compensate for the basic problems of the capitalist system to a large extent, and in this regard, improving the situation of the labor force and providing a platform to prevent and reduce labor exploitation in practice was considered as the goal of expanding cooperatives.