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:: Volume 13, Issue 46 (3-2025) ::
mieaoi 2025, 13(46): 411-427 Back to browse issues page
Social Justice and the Quran
Morteza Ezzati
Associate Professor of Tarbiat Modares University , mezzati@modares.ac.ir
Abstract:   (669 Views)
One of the most popular words today is social justice. The word justice has long had a special place in philosophy and governance, and a wide range of discussions have been raised about it. Due to the different characteristics of justice, various types and dimensions have been proposed for it. One of the most widely used concepts in this field is social justice. Social justice is a concept that was created in the past three centuries, especially with socialist perspectives, and was developed with deviant ideological definitions. Socialist perspectives distorted the concept of justice and moved it away from its traditional foundations, such as respecting and giving rights to individuals, respecting merits, and observing fairness, and in practice it became a matter of taking the rights of some right-holders and giving them to some who do not have them. Despite the clarity of Quranic justice as individual justice in dealing with others, some have tried to generalize social justice to Islam with undocumented justifications. This is while examining the Quran, we find that the common concept of social justice is incompatible with Quranic justice. If we want to propose social justice from an Islamic perspective, it will undoubtedly be something different from social justice with the common meaning. This study, using the method of semantic analysis of the word justice in the Quran, extracts the three main dimensions of the subject, goal and subject of Quranic justice and compares these three dimensions in Quranic justice and social justice with the common meaning. The result is that Quranic justice is different from social justice with the common meaning of today in all three dimensions.
Article number: 17
Keywords: Justice, Quran, Social Justice, Ethics, Economics
Full-Text [PDF 603 kb]   (237 Downloads)    
Article type: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2024/04/4 | Accepted: 2024/05/29 | Published: 2024/06/17
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Ezzati M. Social Justice and the Quran. mieaoi 2025; 13 (46) : 17
URL: http://mieaoi.ir/article-1-1783-en.html

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