The impact of Electronic Banking on profitability in banking system
Abstract: (5872 Views) |
Banking industry, just like other areas, is developing very fast around the world. Today, banks try to deliver their quality services to the clients in the least time possible. A bank that is incapable of providing electronic banking services for the customers is condemned to get bankrupt. So, a transition is inevitable, not an option, from the traditional to the electronic banking. Considering the great advantages of electronic banking in terms of reduction of the costs, service quality improvement, elimination of temporal and spatial limitations, wider areas of services and marketing, in many developed countries the banks provide their services only in electronic form. Therefore, in addition to the traditional banking offerings, well-experienced banks have made specific independent departments to extend their services to the electronic form.
In recent years, taking advantage of information technology, service industries has been increased significantly in Iran, especially in the banking industry. Using ICT with Internet banking, e-payment, security investments and exchange of information is provided in the country. Given the importance of the phenomenon, the porpuse of this study was to investigate the effect of electronic banking on the profitability of commercial banks is elected Iran. Modeling using panel data on the basis of the country's six banks (Parsian, Pasargad, people, business, new economy and exports of Iran) in the form of an econometric models with Fixed Effects was conducted during the period 1387-1394. The results indicate that e-banking has a positive and significant effect on the profitability of banks in Iran |
Keywords: Electronic Banking, Profitability, Panel Data |
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Article type: Applicable |
Special Received: 2018/03/6 | Accepted: 2018/03/6 | Published: 2018/03/6
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