تخصیص درآمد
Analyzing The consumer behaviors in the Islamic Economic [Volume 4, Number 13] |
----- [Volume 7, Number 25] |
The stock market is in the circle of simultaneity of value traps and distrust traps (A way to get rid of the stock market in the year of production leap and remove its obstacles) [Volume 7, Number 24] |
Evaluating the healtheconomics and social health in Iran [Volume 5, Number 16] |
Cooperation, a forgotten part [Volume 6, Number 21] |
Analysis and ranking Methods of financing bank by using instrument's Capital market; By the AHP Approach [Volume 5, Number 17] |
Credit risk management tools ranking in useless banking Using the AHP technique [Volume 8, Number 28] |
AHP approach
Analysis and ranking of the economic effects of Gharz al-Hasna facilities: AHP approach [Volume 11, Number 41] |
AHP technique
Optimal pattern of allocation of religious funds in economic activities using AHP technique [Volume 10, Number 37] |
The effect of optimal monetary policy on liquidity and inequality of income distribution [Volume 12, Number 42] |
The Investigation of Macroeconomic Variables Effect on Credit Risk Iranian banking system [Volume 6, Number 20] |
ARDL Model
The impact of Gharz al-Hasaneh on Income Distribution in Iran (By Using Index of Income Relative Share of Deciles) [Volume 5, Number 16] |
Effect of macroeconomic fluctuations on the lending behavior of commercial banks in Iran [Volume 6, Number 18] |
Investigating the effect of bank credits on the export of the industrial sector of Iraq [Volume 13, Number 49] |
Afghanistan and Iran
[Volume 8, Number 26] |
Agency Costs
Which Firms Use Islamic Financing? [Volume 7, Number 23] |
Aghele guarantee
Reviewing the function of the Aghele from the perspective of economic analysis and social criteria [Volume 13, Number 49] |
American legal system
A comparative study of the role of creditors in the reconstruction of bankrupt economic enterprises in the legal system of Iran and America [Volume 11, Number 40] |
Ansar Bank
A dynamic model for examining the key elements of knowledge management in order to strengthen the principles of resistance in banks [Volume 9, Number 33] |
Ansar Bank.
Identification and assessment of operational risk in Prosses of information management, communication and customer service activities in Ansar Bank [Volume 9, Number 31] |
Arabic Sale
Option Contracts in Islamic jurisprudence perspective [Volume 7, Number 23] |
Designing a model for Islamic banking efficiency by interpretive- structural approach (Case study: Keshavarzi Bank branches in Ardebil Province) [Volume 7, Number 24] |
Arrow- Debra Field
The Critical Study, Challenge and Implication of IRAN’s Fractional Reserve Banking System [Volume 6, Number 21] |
Artificial Neural Network Model.
Investigating the Efficiency of Hybrid Model in Comparison with Logistic Regression and Artificial Neural Network in Credit Risk Evaluation of Companies Listed in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 9, Number 31] |
Asset Management
Asset Tangibility, Cash Holding and Financial Development [Volume 11, Number 40] |
Levels of justice from Farabi's point of view Compared to the viewpoints of the common resource supervisor [Volume 13, Number 46] |
Asymmetric effect
The asymmetric effect of the monetary policy on the unemployment rate in Iran [Volume 12, Number 44] |
Auditor's tenure
The effect of money laundering sentences on audit fees [Volume 10, Number 34] |
Economic stability In the Interest-Free Banking Analysis of the [Volume 3, Number 6] |
Jurisprudential feasibility of usurious borrowing with the intention of not paying interest [Volume 13, Number 46] |
Providing a model for the possibility of establishing a standard 34,000 human resource management system in Ansar Bank [Volume 11, Number 40] |
Dynamic segmentation and ranking approach of customers and identifying their behavioral mobility using data mining techniques in Kargaran Welfare Bank [Volume 11, Number 40] |
Investigating and explaining the factors affecting financial misconduct in Iranian banks [Volume 12, Number 45] |
Bank Melli Iran
Investigating the Process of Ethical Leadership at Different Levels in Relation to Performance Management in Bank Melli Iran [Volume 13, Number 47] |
Bank System
Sukuk, Banking System, and Financial Markets: Rivals or Complements? [Volume 9, Number 31] |
Bank of Qarz al-Hasneh Mehr Iran
Investigating the relationship between financial intelligence and financial performance of employees of Qarz Al-Hasneh Mehr Bank branches in Iran [Volume 12, Number 44] |
Bank- electronics services-Bank Debit-Non-current receivables
Investigating the impact of the electronic banking process on reducing arrears and non-current claims of banks in Iran's banking system [Volume 10, Number 35] |
Investigating the Impact of Corporate Governance Principles on the Effective Understanding of Anti-Money Laundering [Volume 14, Number 50] |
Providing the model of accepting FinTech products and services by the customers of the country's banks [Volume 11, Number 38] |
Banking Industry
A Framework for Identifying and Analyzing Drivers affecting the Future of Smart Contracts in the Banking Industry [Volume 14, Number 50] |
Banking Without Users
The Impact of State Bank Employees' Knowledge of Credit Orders and Conditions on Their Performance (Case Study: Zahedan City) [Volume 8, Number 28] |
Banking and Banking
Optimal credit risk management [Volume 7, Number 25] |
Banking contracts
Investigation of Trustee Rule and its Applications in Banking Contracts [Volume 9, Number 30] |
Banking system"
Investigating the Impact of Foreign Bank Penetration and Banking Competition on Credit Risk in banking system Case study: Asian countries [Volume 12, Number 43] |
The role of social responsibility on performance, stability and financial inclusion in the banking sector [Volume 12, Number 45] |
The Effect of Quality of Banking Services on Customer Satisfaction using SERVQUAL Model (Case study: Maskan Bank Branches in Tehran) [Volume 11, Number 40] |
Banks' responsibility partnership agreement key words non-responsibility condition/ responsibility of Modrab
In the partnership Contracts
Partnership (agreement and Modrabah)
[Volume 6, Number 21] |
Best-Worst Method.
Evaluating and ranking of economic and financial factors affecting the tax transparency of companies by using the best-worst hierarchical method [Volume 11, Number 40] |
Application of Social Recommendation Process in Islamic Crowdfunding (presentation of Blockchain-Based Model) [Volume 10, Number 35] |
Review and compare debt overhang problems in musharakah sukuk and conventional debt [Volume 5, Number 16] |
Brainard's uncertainty
Examining the long-term effect of Brainard's uncertainty and banking stability on Iran's economic growth [Volume 13, Number 48] |
Branding Strategy
Designing a Bank Melli Iran Brand Promotion Model: A Mixed ApproachAbstract [Volume 11, Number 41] |
Business ethics
The effect of piety on ethical decision-making in business from the perspective of Islamic economics [Volume 10, Number 35] |
An Islamic Approach to Business Ethics [Volume 5, Number 17] |
Capital Accumulation
Pension System Reform: Overlapping Generations Model Simulations for Iran [Volume 12, Number 43] |
Capitalism system
[Volume 7, Number 24] |
Catastrophic Expenses
Economic Justice and Its Key Manifestations in Iranian Society: Food Security and Health [Volume 13, Number 48] |
Classical school
A comparatives analysis of saving based on morality in orthodox economic theories and Islamic teachings [Volume 4, Number 13] |
Classical school
A comparatives analysis of saving based on morality in orthodox economic theories and Islamic teachings [Volume 3, Number 9] |
Systemic Risk Evaluation of Banks and financial institutions applying Markov clustering method and centrality measures of risk [Volume 9, Number 30] |
Commercial Companies.
The legal nature and effects of financing the business through lease sukuk [Volume 6, Number 21] |
Common Constructive” “Jurisprudence” “law”
The Research in Jurisprudential and Legal basis of Privation and Negation of Possession by Government [Volume 5, Number 15] |
Comparative approach
A Comparative Study of the Epistemology of Islamic Economics and the New Institutionalism Economics [Volume 7, Number 22] |
Analysis of the components of the public sector economics in the growth and transcend of new Islamic civilization [Volume 8, Number 26] |
Review of Economics in the Mirror of Imam Reza’s (PBUH) Speech and Behavior [Volume 7, Number 22] |
Content Analysis
Analyzing the Concept of Market Image from the Islamic Perspective [Volume 8, Number 29] |
Critical review on "Islamic financial services" [Volume 9, Number 32] |
Cost of Money.
The Necessity of Managing Deposit Portfolio with the Approach of Reforming the Resource Structure of Banks Listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 10, Number 37] |
Credit Institutions and Banks
Investigating the impact of anti-money laundering policies on risk management in credit institutions and banks with an emphasis on the role of the mediation of the internal control system [Volume 8, Number 27] |
Critical thinking.
Theoretical challenges in designing an Islamic economic educational programs; Case study of Continuous M.A Islamic studies and economics program. [Volume 6, Number 18] |
Cultural Policy with a Religious Approach
Analysis of conventional government policy in the economics of culture and its comparison with the Islamic approach [Volume 12, Number 45] |
Socioeconomic determinants of hidden hunger: a panel data approach [Volume 12, Number 44] |
DASP Software Package.
Investigating and comparing the pro-poor growth in Islamic countries with abundant natural resources [Volume 13, Number 49] |
Development of Effective Competition Model in Iran banking industry through mixed research method [Volume 13, Number 47] |
Data Foundation Theory Approach.
Presenting the model of the effect of behavioral bias on reliance and adjustment on the judgment of Tehran Stock Exchange auditors [Volume 11, Number 38] |
Data Panel Methodology
Modeling the Impact of Geographic Environment on Bank Performance in Selected Islamic Countries [Volume 10, Number 35] |
Decision making unit
A Model for the Relative Efficiency of Commercial Banks in the Iraqi Stock Market Using Data Envelopment Analysis Method [Volume 13, Number 49] |
Deep Learning
Provide a stock price forecasting model using deep learning algorithms and its use in the pricing of Islamic bank stocks [Volume 11, Number 41] |
Delphi technique
Presenting a conceptual model to identify factors affecting auditors' professional skepticism using the Delphi technique [Volume 13, Number 47] |
Developing Countries
Comparison of the Effect of Renewable Energy on Environmental Pollution in Selected Developed and Developing Countries [Volume 11, Number 41] |
Development Programs
Evaluating Performance of Iran Economy during Five Years programs of Economic, Social and Cultural, Based on Islamic Economics (Third To Fifth Programs) [Volume 3, Number 9] |
Analysis of approaches and signs of spirituality in economic discourse with an Islamic approach [Volume 9, Number 33] |
Digital Economy
Cybersecurity and Economic Growth: A Case Study of Islamic Countries [Volume 13, Number 49] |
Douglas North
The Effect of Informal Institutions on Economic Development [Volume 9, Number 32] |
E-commerce- Electronic contract-Options (khiyarat)-Jurisprudence
The Aplication of "khiyarat" in E – Commerce [Volume 6, Number 19] |
Earnings volatility and Quality of assets
Cost Stickiness and Banks Credit Risk [Volume 9, Number 31] |
Economic Growth
An Analytical Comparison between Entrepreneurship and Speculative Activitives based on Shariah Rules and Economic Growth Using Game Theory [Volume 3, Number 7] |
Economic Growth.
The Effect of Financial Innovation on Iran's Economic Growth [Volume 12, Number 43] |
Economic Stability.
The Effect of Zakat on Consumption Stability in the Iranian Economy in the form of the New Keynesian DSGE Model [Volume 11, Number 38] |
Economic analysis
Study the factors affecting on customer satisfaction from different banks in Iran [Volume 10, Number 34] |
Economic and social effects
The study of economic and social advantages and effects of Qardhulhasanah securities (interest-free bond) [Volume 5, Number 16] |
Economic corruption.
The role of the teachings of the Quran and traditions in reducing economic corruption [Volume 6, Number 21] |
Economic security.
Analysis of Mutual relation between property right and attribution of economic resources in IRAN with emphasis on Islamic economics literature [Volume 7, Number 23] |
Social Justice and the Quran [Volume 13, Number 46] |
Analysis of the First Draft of the Islamic and Iranian’s Model of Progress
A Comparison of Some Islamic Index and Constitution Law of the Country with the First Draft of Progress Document
[Volume 7, Number 23] |
Error Correction Model.
The role of the financial market in creating and emerging from the Stagflation with an emphasis on Islamic banking [Volume 7, Number 22] |
Exchange Rate
Comparing the Impact of Monetary Base Components on Inflation in Iran (Quantile Regression Approach) [Volume 13, Number 49] |
Exchange market risk
Future's Sukuk of Exchange: A tool in order to adjusting foreign exchangemarket [Volume 5, Number 14] |
The governance indicator in Islam and its impact on health outcomes in Iran [Volume 5, Number 15] |
Readiness to accept IOT Technologies in Islamic Institutions and Banks [Volume 10, Number 36] |
A Jurisprudential – Legal Essay on Legalization of Cryptocurrency Mining [Volume 11, Number 41] |
Financial Service Costs.
Examining the effects of inefficiency of laws in determining bank fees [Volume 12, Number 44] |
Financial markets
Evaluating the effectiveness of Islamic and conventional cryptocurrencies (Case study: Bitcoin, Pax Gold, and X8X) [Volume 13, Number 47] |
Financial systems
The impact of Government Effectiveness and type of financial systems on the economic growth of selected Islamic countreies [Volume 9, Number 33] |
Financing through the Assignment of Receivables (factoring) in the Iranian legal system [Volume 11, Number 41] |
Financing Decisions
Providing a model to explain the role of tax exemptions and financing and investment decisions on the performance of investment companies in the special economic zone of Amirabad [Volume 10, Number 36] |
Food Exporter.
Designing and compiling the improvement of export economic performance (Case Study: small and medium-sized food companies) [Volume 12, Number 43] |
Formalization of Banking Contracts
Measuring the formalization of the lending in Iranian banking Case Study: Shiraz Mellat Bank [Volume 5, Number 16] |
Fraudulent Financial Reporting
Provide an optimal audit model to reduce fraudulent financial reporting [Volume 10, Number 37] |
Free Zones
Investigating the Role of Investment and Productivity of Arvand, Qeshm and Kish Free Zones on Employment of these Regions [Volume 10, Number 37] |
Priority of Islamic contracts from banking experts’ point of view [Volume 5, Number 14] |
Fully Modified Ordinary Least Square
The role of economic sanctions in trade between Iran and Afghanistan [Volume 11, Number 38] |
Funds of difference - Funds of sharing - Theories of money and interest - Islamic economy
Designing the difference and common funds model of money and interest theories with emphasis on Islamic economics [Volume 13, Number 48] |
Fuzzy ARAS.
Identification, Analysis, and Prioritization of Stakeholders in the Iranian Banking System Using Content Analysis and a Combined Best-Worst and Fuzzy ARAS Method [Volume 13, Number 47] |
Provide a deposit insurance pricing pattern in the Interest-free banking [Volume 10, Number 35] |
Garch model and simultaneous equations
Investigating the effect of exchange rate fluctuations on the growth of Iran's economic sectors [Volume 12, Number 44] |
Ghard-ol-Hasana Institutes
Identify and provide solutions to the obstacles and challenges facing Islamic banking with a comparative approach [Volume 5, Number 16] |
Gini coefficient
The Efects of Monetary Policy on Income Distribution [Volume 8, Number 29] |
Global Financial System.
Islamic Banking Features in Reducing The Financial Crisis than Conventional Banking [Volume 4, Number 13] |
Good Governance
Analysis of the non-linear effect of zakat on income inequality in Iran (with an emphasis on the thoughts of Imam Ali) [Volume 14, Number 50] |
Grounded Theory
Sociological study of the Economic consequences of tariffing on imported goods And its relationship with economic development in Iran [Volume 9, Number 32] |
Grounded theory.
Designing a marketing performance evaluation model for bank branches of the Islamic Republic of Iran based on a mixed method [Volume 11, Number 38] |
Hodrick Prescott Filter
Assessing business cycles in the industrial and agricultural sectors in the Iranian economy with policies on banking facilities [Volume 14, Number 50] |
Holy City of QOM
Designing and explaining operational models of sukuk in PilgrimageDevelopment of Holy City of Qom [Volume 5, Number 14] |
Holy Quran
The economics of endogenousity from the perspective of the verses and narrations of Islam and its effects on the country [Volume 8, Number 26] |
House Managing
Comparison of the " former Islamic scholars in relation to livelihoods " and " the direction of modern economics " [Volume 3, Number 6] |
Analyzing the status of banks start-ups in the field of innovatine services(case study : Iranian banking system) [Volume 6, Number 20] |
Idiosyncratic Risk and Systematic Risk
Examining the effect of CEO ower confidence on banks risk taking using the Generalized Method of Moments(GMM) [Volume 10, Number 34] |
Imam Khomeini Relief Foundation
A Survey on the Intergenerational ransmission of Poverty and Its Influential Factors with emphasis on the Islamic approach
Case Study of Abdanan City (1393)
[Volume 8, Number 28] |
Income Distribution
The effect of financial Islamization index on income distribution and economic growth [Volume 9, Number 30] |
Income Distribution
Assessing the Impact of Currency Arrangements on Income Distribution in OECD Countries and OPEC Member States [Volume 12, Number 45] |
Inductive approach
Qualitative analysis of reporting components of Islamic corporate social responsibility: an inductive qualitative study based on text [Volume 12, Number 43] |
Identify criteria and metrics for evaluating VAT policy [Volume 10, Number 37] |
Industry and Mines and Trade.
Investigating Factors Affecting Non-Oil Export on Iran's Economic Growth [Volume 8, Number 27] |
Factors affecting the volume of deposits in the banking
system in the years (1389-1363)
[Volume 6, Number 19] |
Feasibility of implementing the inflation targeting regime in Iran's economy [Volume 13, Number 46] |
The role of nonconformity the business ethics in non-realization of the goal of bank facilities [Volume 4, Number 10] |
The pattern offinancingfromtheIslamic Development Bank Group and Using Iran from these for infrastructuralprojects [Volume 5, Number 14] |
Insurance in the Muslim World.
Insurance and social security contract [Volume 5, Number 17] |
Interpretive Structure
Designing a Social Banking Model with a Post-Corona Approach [Volume 11, Number 38] |
Islamic Finance and Economic Growth: The Iranian Experience [Volume 9, Number 30] |
Consumer Behavior in Iran and Islamic Economics Theory [Volume 5, Number 17] |
The Effect of Qarz-ol-Hassaneh Deposits on Liquidity and Inflation in Iran [Volume 11, Number 39] |
Explanation of effective variables in measuring intellectual capital in Iran's economic environment [Volume 12, Number 44] |
Financial Inclusion Development, a Platform for Promoting Economic Justice in Iran [Volume 14, Number 50] |
Justice in health sector services with the use of Islamic financing with an emphasis on Waqf [Volume 7, Number 23] |
Analysis of the Efectiveness of the Financial Structure of the Health System from the Perspective of Resources in Iran [Volume 14, Number 50] |
Impact of Islamic Charity and Qarz-al-Hassane Institutions on Poverty Reduction in Iran [Volume 7, Number 25] |
An Analysis of the Functioning of the Governments of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the Islamization of Economics [Volume 8, Number 29] |
Iran Economy
The Necessity of Improving Iran’s Central Bank Independency in an Islamic Perspective: Focusing on Inflation control [Volume 5, Number 16] |
Iran Economy
Consumer rights in Islam and its function in the Iran economy [Volume 4, Number 10] |
Iran Economy
The Pathology of Iran Health Sector Performance from Justice Point of view, focusing on Islamic Considerations [Volume 8, Number 29] |
Iran Economy
Investment Theories Assessment in an Islamic viewpoint Focusing on Iran’s Economy [Volume 7, Number 23] |
Iran University of Medical Sciences.
Remote working model of the new generation of the workforce of medical sciences universities in the country [Volume 12, Number 45] |
Iran's Economy
The Effect of Exchange Rate Fluctuations on the Bank's Lending Power in Iran [Volume 10, Number 34] |
Iran's Economy
Assessing the Effect of Inflationary Atmosphere of Iran's Economy on the Supply of Qarz-ol-Hasna Deposits [Volume 10, Number 37] |
Iran, exhaustible resources, economic justice criteria, economic justice in Islam, intergenerational justice.
Economic justice criteria: the just and efficient extraction and usage of Exhaustible Resources [Volume 1, Number 1] |
To examine Increasing of nominal GNP according to monitarists & Kenziyan Approaches in Iranian Economy. [Volume 10, Number 37] |
The impact of Expectations, Liquidity Surplus and Demand Side on Inflation Dynamics in Iran: Hybrid New Keynesian Phillips curve Approach [Volume 9, Number 31] |
An Analysis of Operational Challenges of Islamic Economy in Iran [Volume 12, Number 42] |
Iranian Economy
Identify shortcomings in Economics Curriculum
(Comparison of current with new headlines)
Identify shortcomings in Economics Curriculum
(Comparison of current with new headlines)
[Volume 6, Number 18] |
Iranian Islamic model of progress
The Functioning of the Motivational System Extracted from the Iranian Islamic Model of Progress in Cultural Economy [Volume 8, Number 28] |
Iranian banking system
The mechanisms of setup ethical banking in Iranian banking system [Volume 6, Number 20] |
Iranian banking system
Feasibility of the usury free modeling on moderate rationality [Volume 5, Number 16] |
Iranian banking system.
Ethical Banking The Hints for Iranian Banking System [Volume 4, Number 10] |
Iranian banking system.
Identifying and ranking the success factors of technology transfer in Iran's banking industry [Volume 12, Number 42] |
Iranian economics
Explaining the generalizability of laboratory tests and using in Iranian economy and Islamic economics studies [Volume 6, Number 21] |
Iran’s economy
Introduction and Estimation of Monetary Conditions Index for Iran's Economy Using Johansson-Josilius Error Correction Method [Volume 11, Number 38] |
Study and analysis of the position of social Takaful in the framework of the principles of Islam [Volume 13, Number 46] |
Position, Etiquette and Effects of charity according to the Quran [Volume 8, Number 29] |
Islamic Approach
Perspectives of studying and teaching macroeconomics with an Islamic approach
(Critique of the current situation and present a new approach) [Volume 10, Number 35] |
Islamic Azad University
"Accountability system of Islamic Azad University: a comparative approach and providing a suitable model" [Volume 10, Number 34] |
Islamic Banking
Privilege Sukuk As A Tool For Endogenous And Equilibrium Profit Rates [Volume 10, Number 36] |
Islamic Banking
Somayeh Karim, MSc Student in Economic Planning and Development, Semnan Islamic Azad University, Semnan, Iran, [Volume 7, Number 24] |
Islamic Banking
A Critical Examination of Qard Al-Hasan Contract in Iranian Banking System Based On Islamic Banking Rules
[Volume 7, Number 25] |
Islamic Countries
The Effects of Globalization on The Efficiency of Financial and Monetary Policies in Islamic Countries [Volume 13, Number 46] |
Islamic Economic System
The Evaluation of Iran Economy Books Based on the Targets of Islamic Economic System [Volume 5, Number 14] |
Islamic Economics.
Minimum Wage Policy in The Islamic Economics [Volume 7, Number 23] |
Islamic Finance.
Typology and classification of Islamic Securities (Sukuk) in terms of various criteria [Volume 8, Number 28] |
Islamic Financial Institutions.
Principles of Corporate Governance in Islamic Banking Compared to OECD Principles for Improving Credit System of Banks [Volume 7, Number 24] |
Islamic Financing
Reviewing the economic and Islamic Jurisprudence aspects of trilogy Islamic contracts (Estesna'a, Bay'al-dayn and Murabaha) as the new instruments of banking tools in reducing corruption in Iran [Volume 6, Number 20] |
Islamic State and Institution
Moral role of Islamic state in developing and performance of Islamic republic of Iran in this sector during the fifth Development program [Volume 5, Number 15] |
Islamic Tax
The Khums theory in Islamic economics and its role in poverty reduction in Iran years 80-89 [Volume 3, Number 8] |
Islamic banking
Outsourcing as a solution to the Islamic banking issues [Volume 5, Number 17] |
Islamic banking purposes and the banking system
Evaluation of the goals and performance of Islamic banking in Iran and other Islamic countries
[Volume 5, Number 17] |
Islamic contracts
Analysis of the specific risks of non-interest banking [Volume 6, Number 19] |
Islamic economic
Analytical review of the economic policy of the Prophet in the allocation of resources [Volume 7, Number 24] |
Islamic economics
Auditing For Economics in Iran [Volume 6, Number 18] |
Islamic economics
A quick look at the flaws in the capitalist and socialist systems and the Islamic economics moral solutions for these problems [Volume 4, Number 12] |
Islamic economics
A quick look at the flaws in the capitalist and socialist systems and the Islamic economics moral solutions for these problems [Volume 4, Number 12] |
Islamic economics
Methodology of interest debates: A critical approach [Volume 6, Number 20] |
Islamic economics
Interest, Riba and its Prohibition, from the Economic Viewpoint [Volume 3, Number 6] |
Islamic economics.
An analysis of property justice in Iran based on Quranic criteria [Volume 13, Number 46] |
Islamic economy
“Gharz Alhassana, a strategy for a healthy economy” [Volume 9, Number 32] |
Islamic economy.
A comparative study of ownership in the Qur'an and the views of Muslim thinkers [Volume 13, Number 49] |
Islamic fifth development plan
Evaluation of the Fifth Development Plan from the perspective of
Islamic economics
[Volume 5, Number 17] |
Islamic financial instrument
Coverage of the Risk of Murabeheh Sukuk (Islamic Bond) in Islamic Investment Market [Volume 6, Number 21] |
Islamic financial system, Islamic finance, Sukuk, Risk management, Liquidity management
The Study of Financing Methods in Islamic System with an emphasis on Sukuk [Volume 1, Number 1] |
Islamic justice
A Compliance Survey of Development Programs of Economic, Social and Cultural, With Islamic Economics (Emphasis on the Fourth and Fifth Programs and Sixth Legislation) [Volume 6, Number 18] |
Islamic system, capitalist system, Iranian provinces, Shannon Entropy, TOPSIS method, multi-criteria decision making
Evaluating the development level of different Iranian provinces using Islamic criteria [Volume 1, Number 1] |
Justice in Islam.
The Evolution and Developments in Economic Justice Theory: From Philosophical Foundations to Practical Applications [Volume 13, Number 46] |
Analysis and evaluation of the effect of tourism industry on socio-economic development of Kermanshah [Volume 11, Number 39] |
Keshavarzi bank
The Optimal Management of Deposits and Facilities in Keshavarzi Bank with Goal Programming Approach [Volume 8, Number 28] |
Keywords Islamic Banking on Economic Growth.
The Effect of Islamic Banking on Economic Growth [Volume 3, Number 7] |
Linear Discriminant
Designing and Presenting a Model for Determining the Risk (Bankruptcy) of Bankruptcy of Banks and Non-Bank Credit Institutions Based on Differential (Diagnostic) Analysis [Volume 11, Number 39] |
Linear Regression Model (LRM)
A comparative study Islamic banking and conventional Bahrain and banking without interest Iran
)With the approach of profitability(
[Volume 7, Number 23] |
Liquidity creation
The Effects of Economic, Financial and Banking Shocks on The Liquidity Creation In Iranian Banks [Volume 12, Number 42] |
Liquidity risk
Determining Demanding Islamic Treasury bills in the Iranian OTC Market [Volume 12, Number 45] |
Lorestan Province.
The effect of sectoral growth and financial development on the social welfare of Lorestan province: ARDL approach [Volume 12, Number 43] |
Low sales, Bushel, Ttfyf, Transactions, Jurisprudence
Review Jurisprudence Low Sales Transactions [Volume 1, Number 1] |
Investigating the effect of core competencies in the banking industry on positive behavioral responses of consumers [Volume 10, Number 34] |
An Investigation of the Ways of Religious Economic Life in the Thoughts of Ibn Sina [Volume 8, Number 28] |
Islamic banking problems in Iran with a look at the experience of Malaysia [Volume 5, Number 17] |
Markov Switching
Islamic financing and allocation of banking resources in Iran [Volume 11, Number 41] |
Markov Switching.
Assessing the Nonlinear Impact of Financial Liberalization and Macroeconomic Variables on Banking Productivity: Evidence from Selected Developing Countries [Volume 10, Number 36] |
Markov Switching.
Nonlinear Impacts of Globalization on Financial Development in Iran: A Markov Switching Technique [Volume 11, Number 38] |
Markov switching regime change model
Interventions of the central bank on the sustainability of government debts in the framework of the inflation targeting model in recession and boom regimes [Volume 13, Number 48] |
Markov-Switching model.
A Discussion on the Effects of Currency Crises on the Real Sector of Iran’s Economy: The Reaction of Productivity, Employment and Economic Growth [Volume 11, Number 41] |
Estimation of the Economic Burden of Cardiovascular Diseases in selected Hospital of Mashhad in 2020 Javadalameh Heart Hospital) [Volume 10, Number 37] |
Mellat Bank Customers
The effect of financial attitude and financial knowledge on financial capacity of individuals considering the role of financial self-efficacy of Bank Mellat customers [Volume 9, Number 33] |
Melli Bank Branches of Sirjan.
Structural equation modeling of relationship between e-banking and customers satisfaction(Study case: Melli Banks branches of Sirjan Township) [Volume 8, Number 28] |
Member of Organization of Islamic Countries (OIC).
The Economic Status of Islamic Republic of Iran among the Organization of Islamic Countries (OIC) [Volume 8, Number 27] |
Members of the Organization of the Islamic Conference
The Definition of Export Markets for Iran’s High- Tech Manufacturing Goods in Islamic Countries [Volume 7, Number 24] |
Mental Anchor - Granger Causality - Information Asymmetry - Behavioral Finance
Granger causality, the effect of quality of financial reports and information asymmetry on the rate of mental anchor phenomenon in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 10, Number 36] |
Meta synthesis method
Islamic banking governance model based on the thoughts of Shahid Sadr [Volume 14, Number 50] |
Fiscal Consolidation Impact on Economic Growth: A systematic review and meta- analysis [Volume 13, Number 49] |
Mild Transfer Model
Investigating the asymmetric impact of monetary shocks on bank credits during business periods: (Serious Keynesian Perspective Test) [Volume 10, Number 34] |
Mixed Method Approach.
Electronic commerce, mechanization and transparency of accounting systems: A Mixed Method approach [Volume 12, Number 45] |
Model P.
Investigating the Impact of Developing Financial Markets and Tax Revenues on Economic Growth in Southeast Asian Countries [Volume 11, Number 40] |
Monetary Policy
The Pathology of Issuing the Bonds of the Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 7, Number 22] |
Money Market
Investigating the effect of financial depth on money market and macroeconomic variables: stochastic dynamic general equilibrium approach [Volume 11, Number 39] |
Moral hazard
Explanation the rule of Morality in Financial Institutes Operation [Volume 4, Number 12] |
Multi-Criteria Decision
A survey of combined index of ethical markets performance among selected countries (AHP-TOPSIS Integrated Model Approach) [Volume 9, Number 31] |
Multinomial Logit Model
Design of Early Warning System Model to Predict the Probability of Bankruptcy in a Selection of Islamic Countries Using Multiple Logit [Volume 12, Number 43] |
Multiple Regression Model.
Impact of Liquidity Management on the performance (profitability) of Iran’s Riba-Free Banking System: Case study bank listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 8, Number 29] |
Multiple Resistance Measures
Investigating the preconditions for the successful implementation of the resistance economy of the oil industry [Volume 11, Number 40] |
Municipal Sukuk - The City's Economy - Sukuk - The Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process
Explanation Of The Motivational Factors Affecting To Sukuk Market Of Municipalities Using The Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process [Volume 7, Number 25] |
Investigating the long-term effects of compound risk and economic complexity on sukuk market development in Iran (Nonlinear Autoregressive Distributed Lag Model Approach) [Volume 13, Number 47] |
The Receivables of merged banks, management of the Covid 19 epidemic vaccine and policy uncertainty in Iran [Volume 12, Number 42] |
New Financing Tools.
Explaining the Financing Model of Islamic Azad University Construction Projects by New Financing Tools [Volume 10, Number 37] |
Non-linear approach.
Investigating the relationship between monetary policy and the debt account of the non-governmental sector to Iranian banks and credit institutions with a non-linear approach [Volume 13, Number 47] |
Non-performing Loans.
Macroeconomic Variables and Non-Performing Loans (A Case Study of Banks Accepted in the Iranian Stock Exchange) [Volume 8, Number 28] |
Non-usury banking Law
How much do bank employees know about Islamic banking contracts (Case study: a private bank) [Volume 10, Number 37] |
Oil Industry
Evaluation Sukuk for use in the oil sectors in Iran [Volume 3, Number 9] |
Optimal allocation of consumption between periods, Virtue, Islamic economic, One fifth, Charity
An Intertemporal Model Of Consumption An Islamic Economics [Volume 1, Number 1] |
Organizational context
Modeling the interaction of accountants based on Gidden's structuration theory [Volume 13, Number 48] |
Out-of-pocket payment
Equity in distribution of financial burden of expenditure in the Iranian healthcare sector [Volume 7, Number 24] |
Determinants of Charitable Giving in Selected Provinces of Iran: Panel
Data Approach
[Volume 6, Number 19] |
PSM Technique
The Effect of Religiosity on Consumption Utility (Case Study: Isfahan) [Volume 12, Number 44] |
Panel Data
The Role of Islamic Financing on Economic Growth of Selected Islamic Countries Using Panel Data (Case Study of Islamic Sukuk) [Volume 8, Number 29] |
Panel Data
Estimating the effect of effective factors on zakat collection (Case Study: Imam Khomeini Relief Foundation of Sistan and Baluchestan Province) [Volume 9, Number 33] |
Panel Data
The impact of Electronic Banking on profitability in banking system [Volume 7, Number 22] |
Panel Data Approach
The Effect of Economic Security and Foreign Trade on Economic Growth (Case Study: Selected Countries of OIC) [Volume 8, Number 27] |
Panel Data.
Impact of sukuk on economic growth in the Middle East [Volume 8, Number 29] |
Panel Data.
Investigating the performance of Qarzat al-Hasna institutions in production as micro-financing institutions in Iran [Volume 11, Number 41] |
Panel Smooth Transition Regression
Investigating the threshold effect of Islamic banking development on economic growth in the member countries of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation using the soft panel regression approach [Volume 14, Number 50] |
Panel data
Investigating the impact of uncertainty of macroeconomic variables on the Soundness of the banking system of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the framework of the CAMELS model [Volume 13, Number 46] |
Panel data
Factors affecting profitability of the Islamic banks [Volume 5, Number 15] |
Panel – Probit
The effect of delay penalty on increasing banks' profitability, case study: Bank Mellat Mazandaran branches [Volume 11, Number 39] |
Investigating the relationship between corruption and human capital in selected Islamic countries [Volume 10, Number 34] |
Parsian Bank.
Optimal development and development of the outsourcing model of human resource activities of Parsian Bank [Volume 11, Number 39] |
Partial Least squares
Determining Factors Influencing Contractors' Acceptance of Islamic treasury bills in Different Regions of Iran [Volume 11, Number 41] |
Pasargad Bank
The Factors of Customer Resistance in Accepting and Using the Services of Only Digital Banks (Case study: Tehran branches of Pasargad Bank) [Volume 12, Number 45] |
Penalty clause
Comparative Comparison of Banking Liquidated Damage on Iran & English Law [Volume 10, Number 34] |
Peugeot Philosophical Theory
Transcendental success and inertia of auditors' behavior: based on Pygmalion's philosophy through structural equations [Volume 10, Number 37] |
Presenting a model - prevention of financial stress - banking industry.
Providing a financial stress prevention model in the banking industry [Volume 12, Number 43] |
Prioritization Fuzzy Vicor Method
Checking and Prioritizing Islamic Financing Tools
Using Fuzzy Vicor Method
[Volume 8, Number 26] |
Private Banks
The Effect of Shadow Banking on Banking Risk Considering the Role of Capital Structure in Iran [Volume 13, Number 47] |
Investigating the Role of "Privatization" Policy in the Reform Government
In exacerbating the phenomenon of rent-seeking [Volume 9, Number 30] |
Determining and assessing the situation of the aspects of the resistance economy in Different Province of Iran [Volume 12, Number 42] |
Provinces of Iran
The Impact of Qard-Al-Hasan on Employment in Economy of Iran [Volume 10, Number 35] |
Provisional Profit
The Problems to Recognize the Exact Profit in Partnership
(The case of Maskan Bank in Shiraz) [Volume 6, Number 20] |
Psychological Components
Providing a behavioral model of mental accounting decision-making based on psychological components through structural equations [Volume 11, Number 38] |
Public Debt
Investigating the Effect of Public Debt on Economic Growth in Selected Islamic countries [Volume 10, Number 37] |
Qarz al-Hassaneh deposit
A review of Specialized Qard-alhasan Studies [Volume 6, Number 19] |
Qarzol hasaneh.
Ethology of Qarzol hasaneh [Volume 8, Number 29] |
Quality of financial reporting
The usefulness of accounting information from the perspective of Value relevance and quality of financial reporting [Volume 13, Number 49] |
Quantile Regression
Analyzing the Impact of Islamic Financing Instruments on Monetary and Fiscal Policies in Iran Based on Taylor Rule: Quantile Approach [Volume 12, Number 42] |
Consumer behavior in the Islamic Republic of Iran in comparison with the economic behavior of the Quran [Volume 9, Number 33] |
Ratio of Non-Mandated Membership in the Board of Directors.
Investigating the Impact of Corporate Governance Features as Monitoring Mechanisms on True Profit Management [Volume 7, Number 25] |
Discount Credit- worthiness replacement for delay penalty in Iran's without Reba banking operations [Volume 6, Number 21] |
Resistance Economics
Investigating the Role of Islamic Banking on the Resistance Economics [Volume 7, Number 25] |
Resistance Economics.
Investigating the Risk Coverage of Special Banking in Iran's Banking Without Riba in Realizing the Purposes of Section 9 of the General Resistance Economics Policy [Volume 7, Number 22] |
Investigating the Relationship between Multiple Variables and Momentum and Inverse Profits in Tehran Capital Market [Volume 10, Number 37] |
Risk hedging
The effect of futures contracts in Islamic Economics [Volume 4, Number 11] |
Risk of Credit ratio.
Investigating the impact of financial position on risk asset ratios the banks accepted in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 8, Number 27] |
Islamic finance for small and medium enterprises: challenges and solutions [Volume 11, Number 39] |
SURE Approach in Panel Data
The Mutual Relationship between Working Capital Management, Financial Leverage and Performance Indices in Tehran Stock Exchange Companies (SURE Approach in Panel Data) [Volume 11, Number 39] |
SVAR Model
Investigating the effect of shock of macroeconomic variables on the resilience of pension funds (Case study of the Social Security Organization) [Volume 10, Number 36] |
Saderat Bank of Isfahan.
Investigation of Relationship between Customer Engagement, value co-creation value & Customer Stickiness to Social Networks in the Banking [Volume 9, Number 32] |
Scenario Planning
Independent Auditing Profession Research Futures Study with Emphsis the Evolution of E-Commerce [Volume 12, Number 43] |
Securities markets
Evaluate the relationship between the structure of the economy and capital market financing [Volume 8, Number 27] |
Design Alternatives Repurchase Agreement in Framework of non-Interest Banking Operations [Volume 7, Number 22] |
Sensitivity analysis
Assessing the impact of financial innovation on the performance of financial institutions and organizations based on fuzzy approaches [Volume 14, Number 50] |
Money creation in the banking system using various accrual basis and cash base of accounting records in the bank balance sheet [Volume 12, Number 45] |
Simultaneous Equation Approach
Tax Avoidance and the effect of replacing Trade Credit with Bank Credit. Simultaneous Equation Approach [Volume 13, Number 49] |
Smart Sukuk.
Smart Sukuk: The Importance and Limitations of its implementation in Iran [Volume 14, Number 50] |
Smooth Transition Regression (STR)
Monetary policy-maker reaction function in the Iranian economy: Smooth Transition Regression (STR) approach [Volume 12, Number 42] |
Smooth transition regression
Investigating the effect of banking system size on the interaction of banking system performance and economic growth in Iran using the method Smooth transition regression [Volume 11, Number 40] |
Social Justice
Standards OF right and justice in Islamic banking system [Volume 7, Number 22] |
Social Support
Assessing the welfare level of the elderly in Iran based on development indicators from the perspective of Islam [Volume 11, Number 38] |
Social policy and Citizens of Tehran.
Poverty, Relative deprivation and Quality of life (Case study: Citizens of Tehran) [Volume 11, Number 41] |
South Korea
Comparative comparison of the development process in developmentalist and rentier governments (South Korea and Iran) [Volume 12, Number 44] |
Spathis model.
Developing a local model to detect the unethical behavior of managers in financial reporting [Volume 10, Number 36] |
Special Deposit Certificate
[Volume 12, Number 42] |
Predicting the future status of the banking industry in Iran based on the future research approach [Volume 12, Number 45] |
State Size - Labor Productivity - Capital Productivity - Panel Data - Islamic Countries
Investigating the Impact of Government Size on the Productivity of Labor and Capital Factors in the OPEC Islamic Countries [Volume 9, Number 30] |
Stochastic Frontier Analysis
Comparison of efficiency of Islamic and conventional banking system by parametric and non-parametric approaches in selected countries [Volume 12, Number 42] |
Stock Market
Study of the Economic Nature of the Barrier Options and Its Jurisprudential Analysis [Volume 9, Number 33] |
Stock Price Crash Risk.
The adjusting Effect of Managers' Entrenchment on the Relationship between Business Strategy and the Stock Price Crash Risk of Companies Listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 11, Number 41] |
Structural Analysis
Structural Analysis of Social Undermining Management in Iranian Government Organizations [Volume 13, Number 46] |
Structural Equations
Customer Satisfaction Indicators of Zahedan Banks to Public-Private-Semi-Private [Volume 9, Number 31] |
Structural equation
Presenting a human resource management model in the virtual banking system (Sepah Bank of Iran) [Volume 11, Number 39] |
Subprime Lending
The Role and Importance of Poor Ethical Standards in Forming the 2008 U.S. Financial Crisis [Volume 4, Number 12] |
Evaluating the Fiqhi-economic challenges of suggested instruments for open market operation in Iran and other countries [Volume 6, Number 19] |
Investigating the Effective Factors on Self-Control in the Operational Supervision System of Participatory Contracts [Volume 9, Number 30] |
Outsourcing Evaluation of Operational Supervision of Participation Facility in Maskan Bank and Investigation of Possible Practices Using AHP Method [Volume 10, Number 34] |
Sustainable Reporting.
Stakeholder Orientation, Machiavellianism, and Support for Sustainability Reporting in Companies Listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 11, Number 39] |
Combined Indicator of Religious Capital and Ranking of the Provinces of Iran
Using by Multi-Criteria Decision Making Patterns [Volume 9, Number 30] |
Takaful Fund.
Advantage of Takaful on Insurance from the Perspective of Economic Justice [Volume 8, Number 26] |
Review Compatibility of Capital Gains Tax with the goals of Islamic Economics [Volume 10, Number 36] |
Tehran Metro
Analysis and Prioritization of Financing Methods for Iran Urban Railway Projects case study of Tehran Urban Railway -Line7 [Volume 7, Number 24] |
Tehran Stock Exchange
Investigating the spillover effect of returns between gold, dollar, euro and stocks of selected groups of Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 13, Number 47] |
Tehran stock market
Sociological Analysis of Socio-economic Factors Affecting the Investment Behavior of Shareholders in Tehran Stock Market [Volume 12, Number 44] |
Textile industry
Modeling performance enhancement in the textile industry through active brand revitalization [Volume 10, Number 35] |
The Goals of Capitalist Economic System
The comparative study of economic goals in Islamic economic school capitalism [Volume 3, Number 8] |
The power to fulfill the obligation
Concept and conditions of alternative performance of contractual obligations in Iranian and modern international documents [Volume 11, Number 38] |
reprsentation of development meaning structure in kohgiloue and boyeramad province [Volume 10, Number 34] |
Ranking of the most important Lorestan social welfare measures in order to realize the resistance economy using the Topsis method [Volume 7, Number 25] |
Trade openness
Long-term analysis of factors affecting distributive justice in Iran [Volume 13, Number 48] |
Transaction Opportunity Returns
Micro Customers and Transaction Opportunity Returns [Volume 8, Number 28] |
Social capital and its components in Islam [Volume 4, Number 13] |
Investigationg the effects of economic diplomacy on the border security of Iran and Türkiye [Volume 9, Number 33] |
Challenges and Economic Opportunities of the Islamic Republic of Iran's Policy in Central Asia and the Caucasus (Case study of Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan) [Volume 12, Number 43] |
A Review of Jurisprudential Impediments to Legitimacy of Tomorrow Transactions [Volume 12, Number 43] |
Volume shock
Investigating the effect of volume shock on abnormal stock returns of companies listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 11, Number 41] |
World ASYCUDA project
Work Ethics in Islamic Economics and the Performance of Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 3, Number 7] |
Ethical considerations in Islamic banking [Volume 6, Number 21] |
abnormal accrual items size.
The impact of balance sheet management on the control of profit management indicators [Volume 14, Number 50] |
absolute risk aversion
Providing the optimal stock portfolio pattern through limiting random dominance and reducing absolute risk aversion [Volume 13, Number 46] |
action in the way of God
The effect of religious faith on allocating time to action in the way of God [Volume 11, Number 41] |
Arbitrability of claims of private banks [Volume 13, Number 48] |
Prosperity and aristocracy in Islam [Volume 9, Number 32] |
asset pricing model
Investigating the effect of herd behavior in the Iranian economy on the efficiency criteria of the asset pricing model [Volume 11, Number 38] |
asymmetric infomation
Investigation of the economic justification of monitoring costs on musharekah contracts in Islamic banking [Volume 6, Number 19] |
audit risk acceptance
The effect of auditors' cognitive-behavioral abilities on audit risk acceptance [Volume 11, Number 40] |
autoregressive model with asymmetric distributed lag (NARDL)
Nonlinear Effects of Inflation Rate on Economic Growth of Selected Oil Exporting Countries: A NARDL Approach [Volume 12, Number 42] |
balance sheet.
Investigating the effects of budget assignments on the resources and expenses of the selected bank [Volume 13, Number 47] |
Analysis of Supplementary Banking Contracts in Imamieh Jurisprudence and Law [Volume 9, Number 30] |
bank performance
Investigating the relationship between risk governance mechanisms and risk-taking behavior in the banking industry [Volume 13, Number 48] |
The evolutionary theory of Islamic banking:
from justifying the interest rate to theorizing the ideal model
[Volume 6, Number 21] |
Developing a Satisfaction Model for Service Recreation in Banking Industry [Volume 13, Number 46] |
banking industry
Designing and explaining the evaluation model of fintech executive policy in National Bank [Volume 12, Number 44] |
banking industry
Modeling the acquisition of a sustainable competitive advantage in corporate banking (case study: private banks of the country) [Volume 12, Number 44] |
banking industry
Providing financial stress control model in banking industry [Volume 14, Number 50] |
banking system
Providing a model of organizational innovation based on the level of organizational readiness in the banking industry [Volume 13, Number 49] |
banking system
Investigating the relationship between social responsibility and customer satisfaction and organizational attractiveness in the banking system with the mediating role of organizational reputation [Volume 14, Number 50] |
banking system.
Presenting a sustainable organizational citizenship behavior development model in the banking system [Volume 13, Number 47] |
Analysis of social media impact on financial performance with the mediating role of social marketing in banks [Volume 14, Number 50] |
banks in the northwest of the country
Organizational capability, promoting factors, banks in the northwest of the country [Volume 10, Number 36] |
Legal-economic analysis of doctrine of unreasonableness in cooperative banking contracts [Volume 14, Number 50] |
behavioral management accounting.
Evaluation model of non-monetary payments in management accounting (uncertainty theory and comparison) [Volume 12, Number 45] |
beliefs and Significance.
Evaluate the obligation and beliefs of Kabul people to recommended economic behaviors in the field of consumption in Islam. [Volume 8, Number 29] |
bounds testing
Islamic Banking Contracts and Human Development Index in Iran [Volume 8, Number 26] |
present study investigates Study and review of economic indicators and regional development affecting the attraction of excess capital in the less developed regions of the country [Volume 12, Number 42] |
self-interest in producer is behavior in the Islamic economics context [Volume 3, Number 6] |
cash flow fluctuations.
Investigating the Impact of Financial Reporting Quality on Cash Flow Confidence in the Iranian Capital Market [Volume 11, Number 39] |
cash flows
Designing a model of the financial dynamics system in order to predict performance variables in selected companies admitted to the Tehran Stock Exchange. [Volume 12, Number 44] |
central bank bonds
The role of Islamic secondary market securities in the expansion of open market operations [Volume 4, Number 12] |
certified public accountants.
Investigating the role of effective qualitative components in the ethical decision-making of certified accountants under the conditions of restrictions on the right to choose and controlling the expected feeling of regret [Volume 12, Number 43] |
challenges of Islamic banking
challenges of banking based on exchange contracts, and presenting the complementary institutional madel for utilizing the exchange contracts in financial system’ [Volume 7, Number 25] |
choice and decision making
Selection criteria and decision-making in economic life from the perspective of Sahifah Sajadieh [Volume 6, Number 18] |
city of Tehran banks
Evaluating Barriers and development challenges credit cards in Iran by introducing credit cards in motivational factors for usage and ownership [Volume 5, Number 15] |
commentary on al-Mizan
The goals and functions of Islamic economics in the Qur'an, with emphasis on Allamah Tabatabai's views [Volume 8, Number 28] |
The relationship between the value of revalued assets and corporate performance indicators with an emphasis on conservatism [Volume 11, Number 40] |
company performance
The role of investment in the facilities of companies listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 9, Number 33] |
comparative study
A Comparative Study of indices of Western Consumerism and Islamic pattern of Consumption [Volume 8, Number 26] |
complex network theory
Investigating the correlation network of volatility in index stocks of 30 companies In the bubble and crash of the Iranian stock market [Volume 13, Number 47] |
compliance of tax payers.
Providing a tax audit quality model based on the acceptance of legal taxpayers [Volume 13, Number 48] |
Legal & Juridical Necessities and strategies of consumption sector in context of Economic Jihad focusing on Shahid-Sadr viewpoints [Volume 5, Number 16] |
contingent valuation.
The impact of ethnicity and religion on people's donation in the event of natural disasters (Case Study: Bijar City) [Volume 10, Number 35] |
Interpretation of contract law based on Iran's general economic law [Volume 10, Number 37] |
conventional insurance
Perspective and Challenges of Takaful Industry [Volume 5, Number 14] |
Factors of decreasing tendency towards Islamic economics in Iran [Volume 12, Number 42] |
Interaction of the Key Variables of the Economy and Sukuk [Volume 6, Number 20] |
investigate the effect of readability financial reporting on credit with emphasis on the role of management ability in listed companies in Tehran stock exchange [Volume 11, Number 39] |
criterion of justice
The Criteria of Economic Justice [Volume 8, Number 29] |
customer retention and banking industry
Presenting an experiential marketing model to retain customers in the banking industry (Refah Bank experience) [Volume 12, Number 44] |
data envelopment analysis
Modeling the efficiency of banks by cover data method and Genetic programming [Volume 9, Number 31] |
data panel.
The effect of interest rates on investment function: A comparison of major countries with Islamic and conventional banking systems [Volume 10, Number 37] |
defined contracts
Legal essence of investment deposits in banks [Volume 6, Number 19] |
desired governance
The Role of Desired Governance in Confronting with Sanctions and Economic War Against the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 13, Number 48] |
developing Islamic countries.
Investigating the Interactions between Business Ease, Foreign Investment and Economic Growth
Case Study: Developing Islamic Countries (D8) [Volume 8, Number 28] |
development and the citizens of Tehran.
Investigating the relationship between the relative deprivation feelings and the quality of life with an Islamic approach (Case Study: Tehran Citizens) [Volume 10, Number 36] |
developmental and development
Development and historical religion [Volume 7, Number 23] |
direct taxes and indirect taxes
Justice and economic efficiency of taxes in Islamic civilization [Volume 10, Number 37] |
Analysis of relations between the countries of the South Caucasus region based on the integrated model [Volume 13, Number 47] |
dynamic risk assessment
Providing an agile internal audit model based on data technology governance and dynamic risk assessment [Volume 13, Number 49] |
economic benefit
Cooperation in the Qur'an and economic cooperation [Volume 12, Number 42] |
economic development
Investigating and analyzing the legal and financial aspects of the role of economic development and its consequences on good governance [Volume 10, Number 35] |
economic development.
The Effect of Auditing, Accountability and Responsiveness in the Development of Islamic Ethics and Economic Development [Volume 4, Number 11] |
economic feedback
Explaining the Impact of Government Economic Mobility Plans on Social Conditions of Society
(Case Study: Support Plan and 250 Million Rials in 2016 Car Purchase) [Volume 10, Number 34] |
economic fluctuations
Economic fluctuations and their effects on the obligations of traders (From the point of view of Imami jurisprudence) [Volume 10, Number 37] |
economic grown
Effect of Zakat on adjustment and distribution of wealth and economic growth [Volume 3, Number 8] |
economic oil
sociological study of irans economic in formation of corruption [Volume 8, Number 27] |
economic system according
Different definitions to economic man [Volume 3, Number 8] |
economic systemو-Legal system
Challenges, ambiguities and conciseness of Auction ,Tender [Volume 11, Number 40] |
electronic (e-) banking
Evaluation of e-banking on the profitability of the branches of Bank Sepah in the East Azerbaijan Province [Volume 6, Number 19] |
employer characteristics.
Determinants of auditing at the level of accounts and business units with an emphasis on the characteristics of the auditor and the employer using artificial neural networks. [Volume 12, Number 43] |
The relationship between increasing Gharz al-Hasna accounts on economic growth in Iran [Volume 11, Number 39] |
Owner rights of negotiable instruments on Funds; Ideas and regulations with a critical approach [Volume 10, Number 35] |
The Role and Tools of Corporate Governance in Islamic Banking System [Volume 5, Number 14] |
executive challenges
Jurisprudential and executive challenges of the civil partnership contract in Iran's banking system and its solution [Volume 13, Number 49] |
fast-moving consumer products.
Designing a new marketing model for retailers of fast-moving consumer products (Case study: Retailers supported by Saman Bank) [Volume 11, Number 38] |
financial performance
The effect of capital adequacy ratios, capital structure and liquidity on financial performance of commercial banks [Volume 9, Number 31] |
Investigation and pathology of the structure of Islamic financing with the aim of designing the optimal structure [Volume 13, Number 46] |
first and second programs.
Pathology of strategic human resources system in the long-term plans of the country according to the comparative study of the first and second plans based on political, economic and legal dimensions. [Volume 12, Number 45] |
food industry
Designing a new product development model with the approach of creating a competitive advantage in the food industry with the foundation's data theorizing approach [Volume 9, Number 33] |
foreign policy of governments
Investigating the impact of interdependence and globalization on good governance and foreign policy of governments [Volume 13, Number 49] |
foundation data
The role of management accounting in individual and social behavior (based theory approach) [Volume 13, Number 46] |
foundation's data approach.
Designing the Model of Factors Affecting the Auditing Quality and Professional Identity of CPA Auditors Using the Grounded Theory Method [Volume 12, Number 42] |
free-interest loans(Qarzol Hasaneh)
Qarz al-Hassaneh in the Islamic economics
[Volume 6, Number 19] |
fuzzy AHP
The development model of green city-port cooperation based on financial development and economic growth (Study case: Bandar Bushehr) using interpretative structural modeling, metacomposition method and fuzzy mathematics system [Volume 12, Number 43] |
genetic algorithm. Allocation of bank resources- support system
Optimal allocation of banking resources with the approach of maximizing profit and reducing credit risk in Iran's banking system [Volume 13, Number 49] |
gross domestic product
Factors affecting the granting of Qard al-Hasan facilities in Iran [Volume 10, Number 37] |
Impact of domestic credit and real interest rate on economic growth:
Cases of Iran and Malaysia
[Volume 8, Number 26] |
growth opportunity
Reaction to profit with emphasis on special indicators of the banking industry [Volume 10, Number 36] |
Content analysis Development plans of the Islamic Republic of Iran (third and fourth plans) based on developmental theories derived from the viewpoint of Imam Khomeini. [Volume 5, Number 17] |
hierarchical analysis
nvestigating factors affecting the behavior of legal customers of the bank [Volume 12, Number 44] |
Mutual Fund in Vestment and Construction of Fixed Assets [Volume 5, Number 14] |
important point sampling algorithm
Presenting the relational capital model of banks using exploratory analysis and explaining it by the sampling algorithm of important points [Volume 13, Number 47] |
Analysis of the effect of income on goods smuggling in Iran [Volume 13, Number 47] |
incomplete information
Investigate the moral hazard when hoarding happen and analysis it by game Theory [Volume 4, Number 11] |
industrial machinery
Drivers of internationalization: the need to recognize the internal capabilities of industrial machinery companies [Volume 13, Number 47] |
Justice in the Qur'an and its economic dimensions [Volume 13, Number 48] |
innovation capitals
Intellectual capital valuation model in state-owned banks of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 11, Number 39] |
A critical review of the views and Streams of Islamic economics [Volume 12, Number 43] |
interest of commercial documentary usury
Examination of negotiable papers and document's Interest in Islamic and international law with study of Iranian newbank regulation [Volume 5, Number 15] |
interest-free funds
The issue of Usury in the contracts, "interest-free" used in the financial system in Iran [Volume 4, Number 13] |
A Judicial Review of Gharzolhasane Loan Fees [Volume 5, Number 15] |
internal accounting controls.
The impact of professional commitment and ethical values on internal accounting controls [Volume 13, Number 49] |
internal audit
Development and rational combination of continuous audit research based on providing a desirable model [Volume 12, Number 43] |
internal audit performance - quality of accruals - quality of financial reporting
[Volume 12, Number 44] |
internal factors
Identifying and prioritizing the effective factors in equipping banks' resources (case study, Tejarat Bank of Zanjan province) [Volume 12, Number 44] |
international relations development
The role of international relations development based on good governance Case study: The relations between the government of Iran and good governance approach [Volume 10, Number 37] |
interpretive structural modeling
Signing a sustainable project management model based on fuzzy screening and interpretive structural modeling [Volume 14, Number 50] |
investors' decision-making
The role of financial literacy in the effect of financial risk tolerance on individual investment decision-making [Volume 10, Number 36] |
job satisfaction and profitability.
Psychological Ownership and Profitability: The Mediating Role of Organizational Justice, Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction [Volume 12, Number 44] |
jurisprudential concepts of banking
Identifying and analysing the challenges and obstacles of implementing Usury free banking in the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 13, Number 46] |
A review of the national development plans with an emphasis on the sixth plan
and compare them with benchmark indexes related to Islamic economics
[Volume 6, Number 18] |
The Explanation of Principles Governing Upstream Petroleum Contracts in Iran according to Shia Islamic Jurisprudence [Volume 7, Number 22] |
justice and inequality
An Introduction to Distributive Justice in the Holy Quran [Volume 13, Number 47] |
knowledge-based economy
To explain the relationship between moral values and economic performance in the age of knowledge-based economy [Volume 4, Number 11] |
land dispersion.
Prospects of technical, energy, economic and environmental efficiency of wheat production based on the distribution of agricultural lands [Volume 13, Number 46] |
lather of credit
Discounting trade finance documents from juris prudential and legal views [Volume 5, Number 15] |
legal requirement
Analyzing the role of financial customer support policies in the profitability of banks [Volume 13, Number 48] |
Solutions and challenges of using crypto-currencies in the capital market: jurisprudential-legal perspective [Volume 12, Number 45] |
The impact of economic, social and lifestyle factors of citizens on the selection and consumption of Iranian and foreign goods [Volume 13, Number 47] |
linear planning
Presenting a suitable model of financing shoe and leather industries using fuzzy linear programming (Case study: footwear and leather industries of East Azerbaijan province) [Volume 13, Number 47] |
Gradation of Islamic bank balance sheet for increase the share of payment of loan without interest (wages) [Volume 8, Number 28] |
macroeconomic fluctuations.
Dynamic effects of international oil price shocks on economic fluctuations in Iran Using Structural Vector Autoregressive Model [Volume 12, Number 42] |
macroeconomic variables.
The response of economic resilience to economic shocks in Iran [Volume 10, Number 36] |
market efficiency
The relationship between Islamic ethics and information asymmetry in the labor market [Volume 4, Number 12] |
mental accounting
Providing an optimal portfolio selection model using mental accounting [Volume 12, Number 45] |
method ARDL
The effects of reforming foreign trade strategies on full employment (evidence from Iran) [Volume 12, Number 45] |
mixed approach
Developing a Model Based on the Value Exchange of Relationship Marketing in Commercial Markets Using a Mixed Approach (Case Study: Parsian E-Commerce Company) [Volume 12, Number 44] |
mixed data with different frequencies
Examining the Effects of Mixed Data Patterns with Different Frequency on the Relationship between Macroeconomic Fundamentals and Financial Market Fluctuations in Iran [Volume 13, Number 48] |
Identification of an Operational Framework for a Justice-Centered Bank by the Islamic Approach [Volume 7, Number 23] |
Microfinancefor firms with Qardhul Hasan [Volume 3, Number 9] |
multi-criteria aggregation
Composite Index of Compliance of Economic Systems with the Principles of Islamic Economics [Volume 3, Number 9] |
multi-criteria decision making model
Provide a model for calculating the company's risk disclosure index [Volume 10, Number 36] |
multi-period model
Evaluating the efficiency of Bank Mellat branches using leader-follower models and multi-period models [Volume 13, Number 48] |
national system
The Needs of Facilitation in the Field of Social Uniformity with Emphasis on National System Design [Volume 9, Number 32] |
natural interest rate.
Explain and critique the nature and necessity of interest in the ideas of some economic thinkers in the West [Volume 3, Number 7] |
net interest income
The Impact of Repo and Slope of Yield Curve on Bank Profitability in Iran [Volume 9, Number 32] |
new methods of reclamation
Prioritizing financing criteria for stagnant units in Isfahan province and choosing the financing method based on the opinion of stakeholders [Volume 12, Number 45] |
nonfunctional approach
Islamic Morality and the Business Environment (Morality of Business or Moral Business) [Volume 6, Number 20] |
norm and ethics
The model of attitudinal factors affecting tax payment using the self-assessment system of taxpayers of the whole country [Volume 13, Number 46] |
notified policies
Resistance Economic and public saving (section 16 of Resistive economic policies) [Volume 3, Number 6] |
o Employees of General Offices of public Organizations
nvestigating the impact of human resource management measures on organizational performance with regard to the role of moral mediator of the employees of the general offices of the national banks in the northwest of the country [Volume 12, Number 45] |
Presenting the asset-liability management model (ALM) in explaining profit quality indicators using the fuzzy method [Volume 12, Number 43] |
Risk Management of Istisna securities using financial instrument Options [Volume 3, Number 8] |
organizational factors
Designing the development model of the management dashboard in the administrative automation system of Tejarat Bank [Volume 12, Number 44] |
organizational factors.
Identifying factors affecting the attitude of accepting computer-based auditing tools and techniques with the help of thematic analysis technique [Volume 13, Number 48] |
The Supply of High quality auditing services through The ability model of competent leaders [Volume 13, Number 48] |
panel data
Effects of Market Concentration on the performance of Bank System in Iran [Volume 6, Number 20] |
panel data
The effect of blockchain technology on the quality of the audit process: an empirical study in the banking sector in the form of panel data method [Volume 13, Number 49] |
panel data
Explanation of the capital structure with an emphasis on the life cycle in Iranian companies admitted to the Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 13, Number 49] |
panel data.
The impact of good governance as an moral indicator on economic growth [Volume 3, Number 7] |
panel vector autoregression model.
The Impact of Macroeconomic Variables on the Financial Solvency of the Country's Insurance Industry with the Panel-VAR Model [Volume 12, Number 44] |
The Role of Social Factors Affecting Tourism Development (Case study: Hamadan) [Volume 8, Number 26] |
Analysis of the consumption pattern from the perspective of behavioral economics in the framework of Islamic principles [Volume 14, Number 50] |
per capita GDP
The effect of flexibility and economic vulnerability indicators on economic growth in Iran [Volume 9, Number 33] |
poverty prevention
Causes and ways to prevent poverty in Nahjolblaghe [Volume 6, Number 20] |
probit regression
An optimal model for estimation of Probability of Default related to banks and non banking credit institutions on the basis of Linear Discriminant Analysis and Nonlinear Probability Models of Logit & Probit [Volume 10, Number 36] |
producer's benefit
An Analysis of Producer's Benefit in the framework of Ethical Economics approach [Volume 3, Number 7] |
Failure of the banking system to use Islamic contracts to support production [Volume 7, Number 25] |
professional training
Identifying and Ranking Key Factors Influencing the Adoption of the education system to promote the teachings of Islamic economics in Iran [Volume 6, Number 18] |
Introducing a decision support system for supervision on Islamic facilities using a fuzzy approach [Volume 6, Number 21] |
The effect of religious capital on economic growth in different provinces of Iran [Volume 10, Number 34] |
Investigating the success of Iran’s banking network in achieving the goals of the Islamic economic system in different provinces of the country [Volume 10, Number 36] |
public sector.
Designing a model of financial performance evaluation tools based on the approach of measuring the psychological ability of financial managers in the public and economic sectors [Volume 12, Number 42] |
qualitative analysis of the theme
Presenting the digital marketing model of Carrefour International Company [Volume 12, Number 42] |
quality improvement
Design and explanation the pattern of practical training courses in the banking industry with the approach of improving quality in the implementation of training courses [Volume 14, Number 50] |
quality of accounting information
Explain the role of financial knowledge of board members and CEO independence on the quality of accounting information in companies listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 11, Number 38] |
quality of service
Determining the level of efficiency and segmentation of of Sepah Bank [Volume 10, Number 35] |
Bank-Based financial structure and its role in the occurrence of the phenomenon of stagflation in the economy of Iran [Volume 6, Number 18] |
Effect of religious belief on doing things in the way of God [Volume 8, Number 26] |
required reserve.
Discussing central bank funds deals in interbank market [Volume 3, Number 8] |
return on assets
The effect of economic misery index on banks' financial performance [Volume 13, Number 46] |
risk management
Options Market as a Tool for Covering Commodity Price Risk in Banks' Salaf Facilities [Volume 7, Number 25] |
risk management
Options Market as a Tool for Covering Commodity Price Risk in Banks' Salaf Facilities [Volume 8, Number 27] |
Present a model for design roadmap and strategic plan of Islamic banking [Volume 5, Number 16] |
rules and legal principles
The need to water market form the perspective of Islamic economics [Volume 5, Number 15] |
sale and purchase of shares.
An analysis of the legitimacy of buying and selling shares based on the ideas presented in the juridical and legal nature of shares [Volume 11, Number 41] |
salesmen behavior
Economic behavior of sellers in the Islamic Republic of Iran and its compliance with the Quran and Sunnat [Volume 10, Number 35] |
scientific capital
Explaining the necessity of producing process of economics appropriate to the Muslim community and explaining the role of Scientific capital of Hawza and university in it [Volume 8, Number 29] |
scientific theory
A contemplation on the Islamic economy nature and its relation with economics theories [Volume 7, Number 22] |
Designing and explaining the content marketing model with an emphasis on customer loyalty to the name and trademark of products and services. [Volume 13, Number 48] |
shoe and leather industry
Development of a model of financial decisions and efficient financial literacy to improve cost management in the footwear and leather industry of East Azerbaijan province [Volume 13, Number 48] |
simultaneous equations
Investigating factors affecting the behavior of legal customers of the bank [Volume 13, Number 49] |
social conditions
Implementation of a loan plan of 250 million Rials for the purchase of a car and the economic and social conditions of the community after the implementation of the plan [Volume 11, Number 40] |
social justice
The Ethic and Social Justice Approaches in Responses of the Economic Systems of Capitalism and Islam to the Fundamental Questions in Economy [Volume 4, Number 10] |
social relations and development
The Relationship between justice and social solidarity from Imam Ali's point of view [Volume 9, Number 31] |
spatial econometrics
hjgjolp[rtguyjp[;]'[;uiytrewasadfujhko [Volume 8, Number 27] |
special features
Murabaha in Islamic Economy (with a Special Banking Perspective) [Volume 3, Number 6] |
state budget
The use of the Islamic treasury bills to finance the acquisition of nonfinancial assets of government [Volume 4, Number 13] |
statistical analysis.
Investigating the effect of transformational leadership on organizational indifference considering the mediating role of organizational empowerment, a case study of Melli Bank of Iran [Volume 12, Number 43] |
stochastic frontier
Evaluating the technical efficiency and market power of Qarz al-Hasna funds with a random border approach [Volume 11, Number 41] |
stock exchange
Predicting the financial helplessness of companies using an artificial immune system [Volume 12, Number 45] |
stock market
Presentation of dynamic trading program model in Iran's capital market. [Volume 14, Number 50] |
stock returns
The effect of government size on yields and stock prices in the Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 9, Number 30] |
structural equations.
The effect of financial risk acceptance on the purchase of life insurance policies [Volume 13, Number 46] |
structural equations.
Investigating the impact of corporate governance quality in Islamic banking on banks' agility: using confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation model [Volume 12, Number 45] |
structural models
Provide a model for risk assessment and credit rating in the stock market [Volume 10, Number 36] |
structural vector auto regression
Analysis of the impact of oil price shocks on the stock market in Iran [Volume 13, Number 48] |
securitization in islamic banking [Volume 9, Number 31] |
Investigating Strategies for Improving the Oversight Role of the Judiciary in Countering Disruption in the Economic System [Volume 11, Number 38] |
sustainable development
Sustainable development and justice in Islamic Economics [Volume 4, Number 10] |
sustainable growth
An introduction to the sociology of development [Volume 13, Number 47] |
system dynamics
Providing a dynamic model to explain the value of customer participation in co-creating the value of the banking industry [Volume 12, Number 45] |
systematic review
Shariah supervision: A bibliometric co-occurrence analysis [Volume 13, Number 49] |
tax avoidance
Jurisprudential study of tax evasion [Volume 9, Number 32] |
tax system.
Explaining the pattern of improving tax revenue and gross domestic product based on the behavioral reforms of the tax system [Volume 13, Number 46] |
technology-oriented banking
Identifying and prioritizing the challenges of the transition from branch based banking to technology based banking [Volume 13, Number 48] |
the Anfal
Land use in Islamic economic system and Iran's economic performance [Volume 5, Number 17] |
the CoaseTheorem
Effects of ethics and law in achieving maximum economic efficiency according to the Coasetheorem [Volume 5, Number 16] |
the Humboldt educational system
The capability of [Volume 3, Number 8] |
the Islamic State practice.
Economic ethics in teachings and practices of Islamic state: a review of related activities in Iran with an emphasis on corruption [Volume 4, Number 10] |
the Qard-Hassan credit card
Credit Card tool for development of Qard-Hassan Banking [Volume 5, Number 14] |
the constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Ethics in Islamic economics and Iran Islamic Republic law [Volume 4, Number 11] |
the country's banking system.
Explaining and prioritizing the Pathology Of Formulation And Implementation Of Monetary Resources Policies And Its Allocation In The Country's Banking System [Volume 11, Number 40] |
the foundations of Islamic economics
Asymmetry and lack of information on commodity markets (The need to teach the fundamentals of Islamic economy) [Volume 4, Number 11] |
the real sector of the economy
The Analysis of how Islamic banking is related to [Volume 3, Number 6] |
the share of these contracts in the total facilities of the Iranian banking system has decreased in recent years. This indicates the
Challenges of implementing partnership contracts in the Iranian banking system and strategies for reform them [Volume 11, Number 40] |
theory of value and price mechanism
A study of Ibn Khaldun's socio-economic ideas [Volume 6, Number 19] |
Transformation measures in economics from the perspective of economic experts in themarket [Volume 6, Number 18] |
A review of development plans and comparing them to some indicators related to Islamic economics [Volume 5, Number 15] |
Investigating the role of sukuk on selected macro indicators of a selected Islamic case study [Volume 14, Number 50] |
The Survey of economics ideas of Muslim scholars on Scholastics in the Middle Ages [Volume 3, Number 8] |
Situated of assumptions and theories of consumer behavior in the Islamic community of Iran [Volume 5, Number 17] |
Investigating economic and social factors affecting women's social health with emphasis on povertyAbstract [Volume 9, Number 30] |
Evolutionary stable strategy
A New Credit and Loan Lending Strategy in Banking Systems; an Evolutionary Game Theory Approach [Volume 11, Number 39] |